Happy Christmas, War is Over
— Derek Hinchliffe, RScP
“When a group of people come together with one accord and with one thought, a greater Power is generated.”
— Ernest Holmes
There are countless Christmas carols, and usually they are about reindeer, snowmen and silent nights.
This week, Derek Hinchliffe will explore another Christmas song. This one is about personal responsibility, the power of a group, and world peace. From a candle in a cave to the Maharishi effect, Derek will share the opportunities that await you, and he’ll ask one very important question.
Join Derek and the rest of the Sunday Six on Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 10:30am on Facebook Live.
This Week’s Point of View from the Science of Mind
Meditation and group prayer are some of the practices recommended by Ernest Holmes to expand our consciousness.
Meditation creates a field, a synergy that can be used to change our consciousness and conditions. This field is enlarged by involving other people. Scientists are proving that this field exists. For example, if you take a candle into a dark cave, you light the cave. Yet you could also light many candles from it and increase the light.
Ernest Holmes realized that all world religions used a form of meditation and group prayer. By revealing the truth and embracing any change that may bring, groups can change conditions and physical environments.
There is nothing to be healed; only revealed. As peace exists within us, we can reveal World Peace.

We will miss you, Jeff Andrew
One of our long-time much-loved members, Jeff Andrew, transitioned on Thursday, December 10th. His quiet, kind and loving nature, as well as his talented musicianship, will be greatly missed. He was a member of our house band, Logos, and many other bands in the Okanagan. He had a wonderful sense of humour, too! We treasure our very fond memories of Jeff. He will be in our hearts eternally.
Holiday Service on December 20, 2020

We’re excited to have our Holiday Service at our regular time, 10:30 am on Facebook live on December 20th. We’ll be sharing two of our long-time festive holiday traditions: “Gift Box Sunday” and Rev. Barbara Samuel’s stirring rendition of “O Holy Night”.
This year, we are asking you to come prepared (if you choose) having made a Christmas Card mini-box in advance and ready to fill it up along with the Sunday Six and our community on Facebook Live. Here's a how-to tutorial on YouTube (https://youtu.be/YQtee_BoQH0). All you need is a recycled card, scissors and some tape.

Free SOM Magazine
You are welcome to pick up a free issue of the current SOM magazine as our gift to you. The magazines are in a plastic bag outside of the Pandosy Peace Centre, on the table that faces Pandosy Street.
The Drop In: Coffee and Connection

This coming Thursday, December 17, 2020, from 10am to 11am PST is our fourth coffee and conversation gathering: The Drop In: Coffee and Connection with Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Barbara Samuel and Rev. Gwen Smith. The intention is to meet every two weeks (even though so far, we’ve met every week!). We start with a prayer, a check-in, and then chat about whatever comes up from the group that is present.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 84061651349
Passcode: connection
CSL’s Holiday Cozy Couch Concert
Three talented CSL musicians perform LIVE this Sunday, December 13, 2020. Each musician will share a 55-minute performance from their home to yours, via Facebook Live!
Amy Bishop at 4pm PST (5pm MST)
Gary Lynn Floyd at 5pm PST (6pm MST)
Eddie Watkins Jr at 6pm PST (7pm MST)
Christmas at Home Celebration
Dr. Deborah and Dr. Kenn Gordon are participating in a full-day bilingual English-Spanish Christmas at Home Celebration held virtually on Saturday, December 19, 2020 from 6am to 6pm PST. There will be live guests and music. Your love offering of $10 or more will go to the humanitarian work in the Peruvian Amazon by a team of students. Click image for details.
Bless the Darkness, Invite the Light!
Dr. Kenn Gordon will be making a special appearance at a virtual Winter Solstice Celebration offered by the Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living on December 21, 2020.
There will be inspirational music from Daniel Nahmod, along with ritual and presentations from Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American and New Thought traditions.
This free event can be found at youtube.com/cslphilly on December 21, 2020 from 4pm to 5:15pm PST. Click image for details.
Practitioner of the Week

We now have a designated Practitioner of the Week. If anyone is looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact our designated Practitioner of the Week directly via email with your prayer request. Each week (from Sunday to Saturday), one of our practitioners has been assigned to be the direct contact. This week is Rev. Gwen Smith at gwensmith62@gmail.com. Thank you so much, practitioners, for this valuable service!
CSLK Board Secretary
We are seeking someone to fill the Secretary role on the CSLK Board of Trustees this spring. If you're organized, detail-oriented and know your way around a computer, we'd love to hear from you! Board members serve for 3-year terms, have opportunities to develop, give input, and vote on CSLK matters. As Secretary, you will take meeting minutes; gather, share and file trustee's reports; and compile the agenda before a meeting.
To learn more, please contact Board President Amanda Pope at amandajpope@msn.com or Dr. Deborah Gordon at revgord@shaw.ca.
Meditate with us on Sunday mornings from 9:45am to 10:05am on Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82423777379 Password: meditation
Our Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30am on Facebook Live. Visit our page at https://www.facebook.com/CSLKelowna/ and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)
Our children's VIBE program is on hiatus. For information, please contact Joanne Marie, at vibecslk@gmail.com.

Our Blogs are published twice a week. If you’re on our subscription list, you’ll get an email alert with a link to the most recent blog post. See them all in the Blog section of our website. If you like this issue, please scroll down the page and click on the tiny heart near the bottom right to let us know!
We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:
On our website cslkelowna.org via PayPal or credit card.
Through Interac money transfers sent to donate@cslkelowna.org.
By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.
Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.
For more information, please contact our treasurer, Derek Hinchliffe.
“I thought when I started meditation that I was going to get real calm and peaceful and it’s going to be over. It’s not that way; it’s so energetic. That’s where all the energy and creativity is.”
— David Lynch
Copyright © 2020, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 29. Issue 50 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak