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We are Guided by our Evolutionary Purpose which is
Transforming Lives and Inspiring People
to make a Positive Difference in the World,

through the cultivation and embodiment of our Values of

Extraordinary Respect, Compassion, Safety and Accountability!

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Our vision is a world that works for everyone

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Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, or on Facebook Live.

“Once you make a decision,
the universe conspires to make it happen.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Sunday Celebrations

Below are some of our most recent Sunday services that were originally livestreamed on Facebook. Go to our YouTube channel for a full history of videos.

Recent Sunday Celebrations

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Education, Entertainment

Visualization, barb samuel, Positivity, Peace, CSLKelowna, Spirituality, Coaching, Health, Harmony, Amanda Pope, Ernest Holmes, Healthy Living, Derek Hinchliffe, Spiritual Psychology, Personal Development, New Thought, Science of Mind, Counselling, Deborah Gordon, Joy, Positive Thinking, WeAreCSL, Rhindress, Self-Care, Inspiration, Barb Samuel, Freedom, Wellbeing, Kenn Gordon, Soul Food Sunday, We Are CSL, Personal Growth, CSL Kelowna, Mindfulness, Centers for Spiritual Living, FathersDay2021, Spirit, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, Prayer, Counseling, Meditation, Education, Metaphysics, Happiness

Recent Sunday Celebrations

Monsters, Inc

Read more Affirmation: I align with True Power and let ‘er rip!Turn the mean monsters into friends. That “out there” has no power – unless you give it power. Truth replaces the hold of circumstances like light replaces darkness. “Power” is a word that triggers many reactions in people. But there is really only One Power. And there’s no need to “speak truth” to that Power because Truth and Power are one in the spiritual realm. What we’re really facing is the smoke and mirrors of circumstance, and fear-based attempts at control masquerading as “power.” Those crumble in the face of Truth. Date: July 3, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Jeanette Vinek Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Natural Awakenings

Read more It's a Soul Food Sunday with Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen. “The infinite is personal to every soul that believes in the infinite.” — Ernest Holmes To live your life to the fullest, self-care must be embraced in daily practice to help you remember who you are. To know who you are, you must be aware of the unlimited possibilities that can be unlocked when you harness the potential of your real beingness. Through self-awareness of the mind, body, and spirit you realize that you are a perfect entity and that you have all that you need for unlimited success and unconditional love. Date: June 25, 2023 Speakers: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Honouring the Father

Read more "The Divine Masculine is emerging. He holds a sacred space for his truth. He breathes with integral strength of beauty and vulnerability. He lives from his heart.” – Unknown We are all comprised of both feminine and masculine energies. The divine feminine and masculine does not refer to gender. Rather, they are archetypes: ancient, primordial energies that exists within all of us. Divine masculine energy is an ancient archetype that embodies the characteristics of strength, logic and perseverance. It's the perfect balance to the feminine archetypical energy of nurturance, intuition and feeling. When the divine masculine energy is healthy and aligned, we are strong, determined, loving, giving and kind. We embody universal fatherhood. Rev. Jeanette explores the idea of the Divine Masculine and how we all can use it to create a world that works for everyone. Date: June 18, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Jeanette Vinek Music: Kim and Jim Rhindress Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Balancing Grief & Joy

Read more Affirmation: I now release all that no longer serves me and I choose to embrace joy. Grief is an unavoidable emotion we all go through at some point in our life. We do not only experience grief when we lose someone dear to us; other life situations can cause grief as well. To embrace self-care in trying times, it is imperative to understand how to surf through the water of grief to joy. Date: June 11, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Evolution of Self-Care

Read more Affirmation: I mindfully fill my cup up with the love of who I am. Self-care is an integral part of our human experience. Your evolution depends on your commitment to self-care. Date: June 7, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Melody Bailey Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Lights, Camera, Action!

Read more Affirmation: I shine my unique light on life’s centre stage. We live life’s performance on the centre stage. We get to decide if we live fully out loud or hide our light. We are each blessed with a bright light, so why not radiate our special brilliance at its fullest? Date: May 28, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Jeanette Vinek Music: Tanya Lipscomb Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Read more It's a Soul Food Sunday with Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen! "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." — Buddha Stars shine brightest against a dark backdrop like the evening sky. The brilliance of each star is illuminated and magnified by its companion of darkness. The beautiful glow of the star calls forth the deep richness of the night as they co-create magnificence that is crisp, sharp, and shiny. Date: May 21, 2023 Speakers: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Unlearning Fear of Darkness

Read more Affirmation: I release fear of the dark and open to new perspectives. Humans have a tendency to fear the unknown and that which we don’t understand. We label, dominate, control, and cast negativity on these spaces as dark and ominous. The Divine Mother principle embodies fertility and creativity in the darkness, and gives birth from the darkness into the light in partnership with both. Date: May 14, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

The Inner and Outer Spectrum

Read more Affirmation: My inward journey and outward experience are in perfect alignment. Some flowers bloom at night and can be likened to the inner spectrum within the shadows. Other flowers bloom in the day and can be likened to the outer spectrum within the light. No matter when they bloom, flowers have beauty, colour, fragrance, and unique details that are important to the Oneness of life, just like the inner and outer spectrum. Date: May 7, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Melody Bailey Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Vulnerability: Power and Possibility

Read more “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” — Brené Brown Vulnerability becomes the gateway to power and possibility. It calls us to be who we are, create space for others to do the same, and hold on for the exciting adventure of transformation. Rev. Barb will explore the power and possibility that vulnerability brings, not only for our own lives, but for our communities and the world. Vulnerability invites us into the powerful experience of living authentically and the collective possibility for transformation that happens as a result. Embracing, not avoiding, vulnerability becomes a catalyst for connection, expansion and evolution. It is through this that we begin to see the possibility for a radical cultural shift, one that prioritizes authenticity, connection and belonging. Collectively living life out loud. Date: April 30, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Vulnerability: Seeing and Being Seen

Read more Affirmation: I allow myself to see and be seen. Seeing and being seen can be our greatest challenge yet our greatest desire. So how can we do both? You guessed it… both take a willingness to be vulnerable, which then in turn, can open the door to a life lived out loud! Date: April 23, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Melody Bailey Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Finding My Roots: I touch the tree and my roots get strengthened

Read more “A tree's beauty lies in its branches, but its strength lies in its roots.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo The Science of Mind philosophy works everywhere in the world. Not just in your own backyard. Rev. Barbara Samuel shares about the growth in our sister community, CSL Kenya, Africa! This is not a travelogue. This will be a way to witness our human connection worldwide. Date: April 16, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel Guest Speaker: Rev. Gwen Smith Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Easter Sunday

Read more Easter and the arrival of spring signal new life and new beginnings, offering us a powerful metaphor, and opportunity to re-examine our lives and beliefs that may limit the expression of our True Light. Easter and the resurrection remind us that, no matter the challenges we’ve experienced in our lives, we are able to transcend and transform into the fullness of Love we are meant to be. The Easter story can provide us with the inspiration and reminder there’s always a greater good awaiting us. Within us is a Divine Love that supports us and beckons us forward into the light of living the life we’re here to share with the world. There’s a power for Good in the Universe, and you can use it! That Power is Divine Love. This Easter Sunday, CSL Kelowna is the place to be! Consider the message of this spring arrival. A little bunny may have a gift for you! Date: April 9, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Vulnerability: Defining and Aligning

Read more I bring my own unique expression to life, and create a safe space for others to do the same. Hearing the word vulnerability often makes us cringe. But do we know what it really means? Let’s begin our journey into vulnerability by defining and aligning. Date: April 2, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Karin Wilson Music: Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

No Approval Needed

Read more I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough. When we embrace our own worthiness, we will stop seeking for the approval of others. As children of the Divine, we are inherently worthy. Release what blocks you from accepting your Self. Date: March 26, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Karin Wilson Music: Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Coke versus Pepsi: the Truth about Truth

Read more “There is power in this word that I speak, because it is of the Truth and it is the Truth.” — Ernest Holmes Science is not truth; science is the process of seeking the truth. Opinion is not truth; opinion is a perception of truth. There is only one truth, and that truth is God. Date: March 19, 2023 Speaker: Neal Klassen Music: Tanya Lipscomb Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Dropping the Masks and Bushels

Read more I have the courage to be vulnerable and let my light shine. We wear masks in celebration, for fun, and to be safe. Masks that we wear for our hearts may keep us safe until they don’t. Vulnerability empowers us to drop the mask and let our light shine. Date: March 12, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Your Journey into Your Destiny

Read more “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” — Carl Jung You all heard Rev. Corinne Crockett say last week: “Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.” Well, it's true! It can feel scary and a risk to be authentic in a world that is trying to fit square pegs in round holes. It starts with, “Know Thyself.” Date: March 5, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Living Curiosity Out Loud

Read more Today I live life to the fullest. Are you still playing small or are you ready to be who you came here to be and live life to its fullest? We are magnificent expressions of the Divine and are called to live a life filled up and overflowing with the goodness of God. Curiosity can pull us in the direction of uncovering our good and lead us to know the truth of what we are. Date: February 26, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

The World is an Oyster

Read more I am a catalyst for change in the world. If an oyster did not choose to address the grain of sand that caused such discomfort, we would never experience the beauty of the pearl. An oyster takes an awful irritant, transforms it by coating it with its essence and then gives the world a beautiful gift. This is ours to do, both within ourselves and out in the world. Date: February 19, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Inquiring Minds Want to Flow

Read more I am expressing my Divine calling right here, right now! “Success in life can be defined as continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals. There are many aspects to success, material wealth is only one of them. Moreover, success is a journey, not a destination. In spiritual terms, success is measured how efficiently, how effortlessly, we co-create with the universe.” — Deepak Chopra “What is my reason for being?” is a question our curious minds would love to answer. This, however, is not a question for the intellect. It is to be answered by the soul. So, we dive into the journey of self-discovery, to find that which makes us come alive, to find that which reveals the unique gifts we get to share with the world. It's a reminder that we are an absolutely magnificent expression of the Divine, exactly as we are, and exactly as we are not. Date: February 12, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

What Lies Beneath the Surface

Read more I know that Spirit is for me, so I dive with confidence into the unknown. If we knew it all or could see it all, there would be no need for a curious, imaginative mind. Let’s appreciate the unknown, for without it life would be so dull. We will dive through the fear to reveal the wonderment in the unknown and revel in the gifts it brings. Date: February 5, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Karin Wilson Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Celebrating Life as Source

Read more This One Life is my life right now, and I celebrate it out loud! It’s time to surrender to the Bigger Idea of Life. It’s time for us to move from struggle into celebration. Today we live in the flow, and the joy of simply being alive surrounds us. Rev. Karin Wilson is back to share her thoughts on this topic today. Date: January 29, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Setting the Table for Your Internal Song!

Read more Root! Reboot! Recharge! Remix! Recalculate! Readjust! Remember! Respond and Recovery! Last week was a scheduled Soul Food Sunday! Guess what? Things don't always work out as planned. Sometimes, we just have to go with the flow. You are invited to hang out with Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen as they share their Soul Food Sunday of the Internal Song. PS: A little birdie told us it would be Ernest Holmes' 136th birthday! Let's have cake! Date: January 22, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Our Internal Song

Read more “Music is the soundtrack for your life.” — Dick Clark The internal dialogue of the ego can appear to drown out the internal, universal song. Learn to listen closely and create a new harmony for your life. Date: January 15, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Tanya Lipscomb Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

The Universal Voice

Read more As God is, I am, we are. Around the globe there is one song playing – the song of Life itself. Begin your day recognizing your connection to this One Life, One Love, and through this hear yourself through the divine voices of all those around you. This was our interim minister, Rev. Karin Wilson's first official talk at our CSL Kelowna Studio 9 location. Date: January 8, 2023 Speaker: Rev. Karin Wilson Music: Tanya Lipscomb Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Releasing into the New

Read more “Release what’s done with love and gratitude. Live with intention and welcome the new with love and gratitude.” — Dr. Deborah Gordon We’re back in our home at Studio 9 to bring in the New Year. This is the Gordons' final Sunday Celebration on New Year’s Day. It includes a goodbye release time and the welcome of our interim minister ceremony, the person who’ll be guiding the Centre through to the time when our new minister is ready for in consciousness and in physicality! Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Corinne Crockett and our new interim minister are present, as we release the old, pass on the torch, and set our intentions for the new, personally and as a collective. This is Dr. Deborah’s last service with us. Be prepared to release, let go and allow the Spirit to inspire and run our lives! Date: January 1, 2023 Speakers: Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Corinne Crockett and Rev. Karin Wilson Music: Tanya Lipscomb Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

30th Annual Celebration of Light

Read more “Just like each star is unique yet makes the universe what it is, the light in you makes you who you are. That’s exactly who you need to be.” — Anonymous Once again created and produced through the genius of Neal Klassen. Our theme this year is “The Brightest Star that Shines…” As has been our tradition for these many years, we'll have a time together of holiday joy! Sista B and the Boyz light up the theatre with seasonal music, Dr. Deborah Gordon welcomes us in coming together to bring more light into the world and Dr. Kenn Gordon provides one of his inspirational holiday messages. Date: December 18, 2022 Speakers: Dr. Deborah Gordon and Dr. Kenn Gordon Music: Sista B & the Boyz Location: Mary Irwin Theatre in the Rotary Centre for the Arts (421 Cawston Ave, Kelowna, BC)


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Honouring Community, Blessing All and Belonging

Read more “Being blessed is a condition of the heart and a frame of mind.” — Errin Rhorie Blessings Abound, Holiday Gift Box Sunday & Luncheon This is a special sacred service: a day of honouring and gratitude. It's a different Sunday format than we're used to, featuring Dr. Kenn, Dr. Deborah and Rev. Corinne, as well as Irene Kowalchuk, our longest-serving spiritual practitioner. Coming together in community is so important during this time of transition; your presence and membership is vital in the growth and evolution of our Centre. Watch the sacred ceremony with Drs. Kenn and Deborah as they extend each person blessings and a gift, with an opportunity to bless and be blessed. Date: December 11, 2022 Speakers: Dr. Deborah Gordon and Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Christ Consciousness of a Child

Read more “In the eyes of children, we find the joy of Christmas. In their hearts, we find its meaning.” — Leland Thomas What is it that is most appealing about children? Is it simply their physical beauty? Is it their openness to loving and being loved? Their playfulness, their innate humour? Beyond these things, in my view, children are beautiful because they possess something that we have all misplaced – the quality of innocence. Date: December 4, 2022 Speakers: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

To Boldly Go Towards the New Day / Where do we go from here?

Read more A special Sunday Celebration at the RCA theatre downtown, with 2 of our out-of-town guests (from Southern California): Dr. Mike McMorrow and Dr. Harry Morgan Moses. First speaker: Where do we go from here? — Dr. Mike McMorrow The last few years have been interesting to say the least. We've had the summer to get our legs under us and we may have found the world has changed a bit. People are working from home, our kids are behind in school, and people have forgotten how to drive! Things are shifting! Now is the perfect time to rebuild something New and Wonderful. At home. on the job, and our spiritual communities. Where do we go from here? Let's start from the centre! Second speaker: To Boldly Go Towards the New Day — Dr. Harry Morgan Moses We have been born into an extraordinary time. Every Soul has come here with a purpose. We have been gifted with an extraordinary awareness. “Love points the way and Law makes the way possible”. With this gift we can boldly with confidence move into the dawning of a new day for ourselves, humanity and the earth. Drs. Deborah and Kenn Gordon also shared a message. Date: November 27, 2022 Speakers: Dr. Mike McMorrow, Dr. Harry Morgan Moses, Dr. Deborah Gordon and Dr. Kenn Gordon Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Mary Irwin Theatre in the Rotary Centre for the Arts (421 Cawston Ave, Kelowna, BC)


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Everything You Wanted to Know About the Science of Mind and Aren't Afraid to Ask!

Read more "I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." — Eleanor Roosevelt Curiosity on its own is one of the greatest tools we have. It keeps us open, potentially out of judgement, and keeps us on the path to learning. Are you a person who always wants to know more? Curiosity has proven to be a driving force behind human ingenuity, creativity and progress. Think about it: most of our endeavours that lead to new things and new discoveries, begin with someone having the willingness to ask the questions and then seek the answers. Drs. Kenn and Deb will do a question-and-answer session on anything you might like to know about Science of Mind, life or anything that might be on your mind. Date: November 20, 2022 Speakers: Drs. Kenn and Deborah Gordon Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

A New World. A New Way: The Return to Our Nature.

Read more The world we live in has changed, and we have changed along with it. The question is, how has it changed us? There is a great opportunity in front of us… if only we say yes to it. Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the owner and director of An Extraordinary Life, a company that promotes healing, self-empowerment and spiritual awareness. He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC), healing to empowerment modalities that obtain profoundly positive results for people dealing with unwanted behaviors, chronic conditions and addictive behaviours. Dane is a behavioral expert whose work involves changing the stigma of mental health and teaching meditation. His goal is to show people how to create a connection with their inner life, freeing themselves from their past and stepping into their nature of inner peace, that reveals outer freedom and fulfillment. Dane is originally from the hidden gem, Salmon Arm, in the interior of British Columbia, where he grew up playing in and water skiing on Shuswap Lake. He has spent 7 years in Santa Monica, California, learning about trauma and the nervous system in the sand and the sun. Dane now resides in the gorgeous Okanagan Valley with his beautiful partner Anne, where they can often be found at the beach or deep in nature, hiking in search of the next most dynamic waterfall. Date: November 13, 2022 Speaker: Dane Stevens Music: Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Aging, Saging and Phasing

Read more “Today, my awareness joyfully rests in knowing I make a conscious choice to enjoy the journey called ‘my life’, and I proclaim, ‘Wow, what a ride!’ ” — Dennis Merritt Jones We all know that change is one of the constants in each of our lives whether it's the change in time (falling back to standard time this weekend), the change of the seasons, or our own changes in the stages of lives. Additionally, our Centre is currently moving into one of its greatest transitional changes as Dr. Deborah retires on January 1st and we create the consciousness that will attract our next Senior Minister. Ernest Holmes reminded us of the importance and value of change when he said: "Nature demands change so we can advance." Dr. Deborah looks at 4 phases of life change that can apply to each of us and to the life of our beloved spiritual community. Date: November 6, 2022 Speaker: Dr. Deborah Gordon Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Delphine Litke Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Scary? I'll show you scary!

Read more “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein Rev. Barb Samuel and Neal Klassen share a Soul Food Sunday with ghoulish possibilities and monstrous outcomes! You are sure to experience spooky chills and thrills singing and clapping along for an interactive morning filled with Tricks or Treats! Dress in your Halloween finest costumes and let’s “Give ‘em pumpkin to talk about”. Happy Howl-oween Soul Food Sunday! Date: October 30, 2022 Speaker: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Water to Vapour: Our Immortal Nature

Read more A very special time to remember and celebrate those who have gone before us; to honour their lives and how much they meant to us; and to invite them in and around us in spirit. Rev. Corinne Crockett and Dr. Kenn Gordon speak about the nature of our immortality and lead us through a ceremony of honouring our loved ones in spirit. Guest musicians Kim and Jim Rhindress perform a very special song they wrote, Here's to You, Here's to Me. Guaranteed to give you goosebumps! We aim to raise the vibration of our community by embracing the love we share for each other and for all those we have lost! Date: October 23, 2022 Speakers: Rev. Corinne Crockett, Dr. Kenn Gordon Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen, Kim and Jim Rhindress Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

This Thing Called Life

Read more “You are an eternal being now on the pathway of endless unfoldment, never less but always more yourself. Life is not static. It is forever dynamic, forever creating, not something done and finished, but something alive, awake and aware. There is something within you that sings the song of eternity. Listen to it.” — Ernest Holmes Rev. Jeanette Vinek shares her perspectives on This Thing Called Life, including the peaks and the valleys of this remarkable human experience. What happens when we lose the sense of awe and wonder at the magnificence all around us? What are we taking for granted? How do we shake the feeling of inertia and reconnect with the Power and Presence of Spirit within us? Rev. Jeanette proposes that maybe, just maybe, it's being involved with something greater than ourselves. Date: October 16, 2022 Speaker: Rev. Jeanette Vinek Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

A Taize Thanksgiving

Read more A Taizé service takes its name from “Taizé” – a monastic community located in Taizé, France, dedicated to simplicity, service and community. This form of meditative prayer involves sung and read prayers along with readings, music, meditation, and silence. It’s truly an experience rather than an objective time of teaching or preaching. Our hope in offering it is to give our community the opportunity to “feel into” a deep-felt sense of gratitude for all things, including our lives, our experiences, our relationships and our community, rather than just thinking about thanksgiving or having it be simply an intellectual understanding. Gratitude is such a powerful causative force and sometimes we don’t realize how impactful it is for both creating and maybe even more importantly for consciously RECOGNIZING the good in our lives. We are immersed in goodness and wrapping that good with our mindful awareness of it, invites more and more good into our experiences. Date: October 9, 2022 Speakers: Dr. Deborah Gordon , Rev. Barbara Samuel, Rev. Melody Bailey, Ann Lotwin, Margaret Timuss, Trish Anderson, Bruce Innes Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel, Neal Klassen, Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers, Rev. Corinne Crockett Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Who Are You

Read more “We are all in the process of spiritual evolution.” — Ernest Holmes Imagine that you are standing in a hall of mirrors surrounded by hundreds of images of yourself, except that each image reflects you at a different time in your life. Which of those images is “you?” All of them? None of them? This Sunday, Neal Klassen looks at the process of spiritual evolution as a means to discover who we really are. Date: October 2, 2022 Speaker: Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

KENYA: The Heartbeat of Africa

Read more We are having a very special Soul Food Sunday! Joining Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen for this week's Soul Food Sunday was Barb's co-spiritual leader, Rev. Gwen Smith. Together, the two are co-pastors for Centre for Spiritual Living Kenya. They share their story of love, transformation, growth, harmony, diligent work and the growth of their extended spiritual family in Africa. Rev. Melody Bailey is also there to share more about all the good work that is happening with CSL Kenya! Please join us knowing that: There is one Life, that Life is God, that Life is perfect, that Life is my life now. Date: September 25, 2022 Speakers: Rev. Barbara Samuel, Rev. Gwen Smith, Rev. Melody Bailey Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel, Neal Klassen and Rev. Gwen Smith Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Spirituality at Work

Read more “The essential lesson I've learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you're not here as a human being only. You're a spiritual being having a human experience.” — Wayne Dyer Rev. Melody Bailey explores how to apply spirituality, on a daily basis, through work. Whether you are employed, a student, retired or something else, these spiritual practices and principles can apply and make life more meaningful. Date: September 18, 2022 Speaker: Rev. Melody Bailey Music: Delphine Litke, Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Honouring and Celebrating Conscious Evolution

Read more “You are a significant, unique, independent, individual soul, who has ventured into this world to expand your awareness of yourself and truth. You are an opportunity for the expansion of consciousness; you are an opportunity for evolution.” ― Lorraine Nilon We are having a special Sunday Celebration where we honour the path of Conscious Evolution within our Centre. We'll be recognizing the path of this evolution by handing out certificates of class completion to our students who took our Foundations class in the spring. We'll be giving out years of service pins to acknowledge the journeys of our Practitioners and Ministers. We'll also be having an Installation as Minister ceremony for our one our former CSL Kelowna students on her path of ministry. This will all be wrapped with a message about Conscious Evolution, music and ceremony. Date: September 11, 2022 Speaker: Dr. Deborah Gordon Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!

Read more “Nothing happens until you decide. Make a decision and watch your life move forward.” — Oprah Winfrey We’re each faced with making many decisions in life; some big and some life-altering. We can get stuck trying to make the best ones. Life is always conspiring in our favour. Understanding and using Universal Law helps us in making decisions that lead us to our best life. Learn how to increase the power of your decisions. Date: September 4, 2022 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Receive, Harvest, Share the Bounty

Read more “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” — Robert Louis Stevenson It's a Soul Food Sunday with Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen! To move ahead and shift to your next level of consciousness, you may need to let go of your old ways and grow a new idea in favour of something better. Date: August 28, 2022 Speakers: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Life Uncommon

Read more "No longer lend your strength to that which you wish to be free from, Fill your lives with love and bravery, And you shall lead a life uncommon." — Jewel It’s easy to get pulled off course with the distractions, demands and drama apparent in today’s world. Learning to set and hold the course toward creating your desired life is both liberating and empowering. Each of us has an important role to play in creating a world that works for all. Learning how we can best serve this worthy vision is both empowering and transformative for ourselves, as individuals, and for the planet. Rev. Corinne Crockett shares insights on navigating these liminal times of change and possibility. Date: August 21, 2022 Speaker: Rev. Corinne Crockett Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel, Neal Klassen, and Rev. Gwen Smith Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

This Magic Moment

Read more “Mental Science is not a "get-rich-quick scheme", neither does it promise something for nothing. It does, however, promise those who follow its teaching shall enjoy greater possibilities and happier conditions." — Ernest Holmes Manifestation or magic? Cosmic or coincidence? Neal Klassen explores some famous “Magic Moments” that were, upon closer examination, perhaps not magic at all. Are you ready to bring a little magic into your life? Date: August 14, 2022 Speaker: Neal Klassen Music: Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Everything you want to know about Science of Mind (but were afraid to ask)

Read more “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” — Albert Einstein Dr. Deborah Gordon and Dr. Kenn Gordon join forces for a question-and-answer session. They provide on-the-spot, spontaneous answers to some of your burning questions about the Science of Mind teaching and its principles. Date: August 7, 2022 Music: Kim and Jim Rhindress Location: Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Rhindress

Holy Roller: The blessings of a broken ankle

Read more A Soul Food Sunday with Rev. Barb Samuel and Neal Klassen! PATIENT: Hey, Doc, I think I broke my leg in two places. What should I do? DOCTOR: Don’t go to those places anymore! Virtually every experience in your life – whether it be your relationships, your creativity, career, or overall sense of purpose – is profoundly affected by your health. As the saying goes, “If you have your health, you have everything.” Date: July 31, 2022 Location: Studio 9 (1180 Houghton Rd, Kelowna, BC V1X 2C9)


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Are You Being Served?

Read more “All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.” — Edwin Markham. Are you being served? Or are you serving? Rev. Melody Bailey dives deeply into the idea of service as a way of life – a fun and loving part of being in community, and as a spiritual practice. Music: Tanya Lipscomb


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Celebrating Community

Read more Today (July 17, 2022) is the installation ceremony for our new Assistant Minister, Rev. Corinne Crockett. This ceremony is an important marker and celebration for our community. We’ll begin our morning with our regular Sunday service dedicated today, to the theme of community. We’ll be exploring the ideas that together we have the power to do what we might not be able to accomplish alone, and that true community involves responsibility and working together to create who we are. (Please note, the installation ceremony and potluck are not on this recording; however, see our blog posts on our website in the week following, to see photos.)


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Stubborn as a Mule

Read more The Oxford Dictionary tells us that to be stubborn is having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Rev. Jeanette Vinek shares her insights from a lifetime of being labelled stubborn. She proposes that maybe, just maybe, this stubborn streak has evolved to a place that dwells in the possibilities of Spirit. To trust the intuitive sense of when she knows what she knows. She’ll share how we all can use the Power of Mind to create the life we imagine.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Breaking the Trance of Unworthiness

Read more So many of us have grown up with messages about where we fall short, believing we should be different from the way we are. We make many changes on the outside, but nothing we do seems to soothe the voices of self-criticism for very long. These critical, internal voices easily become our default; and they don’t tell you the truth. Our culture is a breeding-ground for the contemporary epidemic of feeling deficient and unworthy. Savvy marketers depend upon us never awakening from the trance of unworthiness. Self-criticism and feeling “not good enough” serves as an invisible catalyst that drives our daily behaviour, seeking a sense of worthiness and self-satisfaction. I’ve heard this game called “seek and don’t find”. Life doesn’t have to be one big self-improvement project that never ends! Keeping the prize of being enough, just as you are, dangling out in front of you like some unattainable prize creates suffering and an eternal quest for the answers in all the wrong places. When will I get it right and be enough? Who would I be if I believed I am enough and lovable just as I am? What would self-acceptance feel like? What would happen then? Awakening from the trance of unworthiness may seem like the quest of a lifetime, but the answer might be easier and closer than you think! Awakening to our own inherent perfection and lovability doesn’t mean we won’t continue to grow and evolve. It means that love, not fear and self-criticism, become a powerful catalyst for our growth. With love as the catalyst, our growth becomes exponential.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Katy Perry said it best: "Baby, you're a firework"

Read more At this Soul Food Sunday, Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen dive into living life with no "Regrats" (yes, the spelling mistake is intentional).


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Our Father

Read more No matter what kind, one thing is true: we all had Fathers. Some were everything you read about on the Hallmark Father's Day cards; some didn't rise to that level of perfection. Dr. Deborah Gordon shares how we can see and experience the good that came from our own father experience, whether he was the perfect dad or possibly not even a part of our life. Music by Tanya Lipscomb


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Fragile Handle with Care

Read more Vulnerability is a state of emotional exposure that comes with a certain degree of uncertainty. To be vulnerable means we accept the emotional risk that comes from being open and willing to love and be loved. Sometimes, when we're feeling fragile, we close ourselves off, hide away, become overwhelmed by our feelings of fear and uncertainty. Fragility is not weakness. Vulnerability is not weakness. Fragility, expressed through vulnerability, creates the opening for Spirit to express. Rev. Jeanette Vinek shares her insights on the remarkable power of vulnerability and what happens when a community comes together softly, gently, yet with the strength of steel and the conviction of deep faith to know Truth for the individual. The miracle of Affirmative Prayer unfolds – beautifully, brilliantly, and with all of the Love, the Power and the Presence of Spirit.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Keys to Freedom

Read more We are thinking and feeling beings. We’ve all been taken out by our emotions from time to time. Gaining insight into our emotions and what they have to teach us is essential when we choose to live a conscious life. Understanding the science of emotions and how we can help ourselves when experiencing difficult or challenging emotions is empowerment. Talk by Rev. Corinne Crockett.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Matters of the Heart

Read more “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, but just felt in the heart.” — Helen Keller


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

The Ego Made Me Do It!

Read more Rev. Melody Bailey shares thoughts on how to have awareness of and detach from the ego.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Fear, Frustration and Chicken Feathers

Read more Fear is a natural and perfectly healthy reaction in certain circumstances. But sometimes, irrational fears can hold us back from achieving our greatest desires. Neal Klassen takes us on a journey through fear, frustration and an enlightening experience with chickens on a farm to explain how to find inner peace by conquering fear.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Oh My Mama

Read more On Mother's Day (May 8, 2022), Rev. Barbara Samuel, Dr. Deborah Gordon and Rev. Melody Bailey honour and recognize Moms in all their different expressions!


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

What’s on Your Spice Rack?

Read more There are so many types of emotions with varying levels and degrees of intensity. Our emotions are like a spice rack that we can spin to find the one that is the focus of the moment. All emotions are beneficial and have lessons to offer. As we strive for balance in our emotional spectrum, we achieve balance in our life.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

I Love Us - Full service

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Out of the Cave - Full Service

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Endings, Beginnings and Divine Love - Full Service

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Brand New Day! - Full Service

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It's Alright and All Right - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


New Thought Livestream Sunday Celebration

Read more In recognition of St. Patrick's Day, Dr. Deborah Gordon offers a refresher on the energy of money and currency in our lives. You can now watch our Sunday Celebration LIVESTREAM in 3 places! 💗 * Facebook: @cslkelowna * YouTube: 1cslk * Website: #cslkelowna #wearecsl #newthoughtcommunity #spiritualityinkelowna


New Thought Livestream Service

Read more When we complete something with awareness and gratitude, we’re freed to move into our next new beginning with a clean fresh energy. Join Dr. Deborah and friends for uplifting music and an inspiring message. You can now watch our Sunday Celebration LIVESTREAM in 3 places! 💗 * Facebook: @cslkelowna * YouTube: 1cslk * Website: #cslkelowna #wearecsl #newthoughtcommunity #spiritualityinkelowna Powered by Restream


The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

The True meaning of Life - Full Service

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Weekly Livestream Sunday Celebration

Read more Powered by Restream Join us for uplifting music and an inspiring message.


Co-Creating: A Spiritual Partnership

Read more It's a Community Sunday! Join Amanda Pope and the rest of the Sunday Six for uplifting music and an inspiring message in our livestream service. You can now watch our Sunday Celebration LIVESTREAM in 3 places! 💗 * Facebook: @cslkelowna * YouTube: 1cslk * Website: #cslkelowna #wearecsl #newthoughtcommunity #spiritualityinkelowna Powered by Restream


Who am I? Why am I Here? - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Ancient Wisdom/New Thought - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, barb samuel

Question Everything, But Ask Good Questions

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Embrace the Now

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's livestream of the Celebration of Light - lite. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Making Every Moment Wonder-full - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's livestream of the Celebration of Light - lite. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Out with the Old and In with the New - FULL SERVICE

Read more Enjoy this beautiful meditative New Year's service featuring Dr. Deborah Gordon and Rev. Christy Snow. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's livestream of the Celebration of Light - lite. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Celebration of Light - Lite!

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Christ-mass: Our True Divine Nature

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Let the Manifestivities Begin!

Read more Rev Barb Samuel shares a powerful talk about manifesting our desires. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Spirit, Harmony, Soul Food Sunday, Barb Samuel

Gratitude Beyond Gifts - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Spirit, Harmony, Soul Food Sunday, Barb Samuel

Celebrating the Triumphant Journey - FULL SERVICE

Read more This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Spirit, Harmony, Soul Food Sunday, Barb Samuel

Seeing Beauty, Feeling Grace - FULL SERVICE

Read more Amanda Pope, RScP shares her thoughts on seeing beauty and feeling grace. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

New Time, Same Purpose

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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Read more Rev Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen celebrate Halloween with this special Soul Food Sunday. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, barb samuel

Oneness is not Sameness - FULL SERVICE

Read more Dr. Deborah shares her thoughts on diversity and inclusion in this thought-provoking message. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

WE is Greater than ME - FULL SERVICE

Read more Derek Hinchliffe shares his thoughts on how WE is greater than ME and CSLKelowna celebrates its 28th anniversary! This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Derek Hinchliffe

Blessings Upon Blessings

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Belonging and the Beloved Community FULL SERVICE

Read more Amanda Pope shares her thoughts on belonging and the purpose for gathering in spiritual community. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Get Ready, Get Going and Rise Up! - FULL SERVICE

Read more Rev. Barb Samuel talks about equity, love, and the vision of a world that works for everyone in this Soul Food Sunday. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, barb samuel

When the Road Gets Rocky - FULL SERVICE

Read more Dr. Deborah shares the message from our new venue. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Transcend and Include - FULL SERVICE

Read more Amanda Pope shares her thoughts on living through a liminal time. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Amanda Pope

Holy Smoke: Do Religious Beliefs Affect the Natural World

Read more Neal Klassen shares his insights on the connection between religious values and the environment. This video is a recording of the message from one of the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna's Sunday Celebrations. You can watch the full services in real-time on Facebook Live every week at 10:30am. CSL Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer and mindfulness; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of philosopher and spiritual psychologist Ernest Holmes. To find out more or to donate, please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

The World is Your Oyster FULL SERVICE

Read more Reverend Barb Samuel shares her insights about the creative nature of our thoughts in this Soul Food Sunday. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Barb Samuel

Communing in Unity - FULL SERVICE

Read more Drs Deborah and Kenn gordon celebrate community in all its forms in this in-person and livestream service. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Deborah Gordon, Kenn Gordon

Duplicating the Creative Nature of Spirit - FULL SERVICE

Read more Dr. Kenn explores the powerful creative nature of our thoughts and the ways in which they shape our experience.


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

Playful Spirituality - FULL SERVICE

Read more Amanda Pope shares her thoughts about being playful as a spiritual practice. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony

What Are Your BeLIEfs?

Read more Dr. Deborah shares her insights on finding the lies hidden in our beliefs.


Stayed on Spirit - FULL SERVICE

Read more Through challenging times when you have fallen off your path, how do you keep your mind stayed on Spirit? This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Barb Samuel

Change is More than Two Dimes and a Nickel - FULL SERVICE

Read more Neal Klassen shares his insights about making lasting meaningful change in life. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony


Read more Dr. Kenn shares his insights on living in the possibility. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, Kenn Gordon

Being a FLORIST in the World - FULL SERVICE

Read more Amanda Pope, RScP, celebrates Father's Day as she talks about the spiritual lessons she learned from her atheist father. This video is a recording of CSL Kelowna's weekly New Thought livestream service. You can enjoy the services in real-time every Sunday at 10:30am (PST). We hope you will be inspired by the uplifting music and thought-provoking message. The Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna is a community of individuals dedicated to personal growth and development; spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, and mindfulness; self-care and self-compassion; and conscious manifestation. We practice Science of Mind principles based on the teachings of Ernest Holmes. This community is supported by the generous donations of members and friends. To donate or to find out more please visit our website


Spirituality, Ernest Holmes, New Thought, Mindfulness, Peace, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, CSLKelowna, Meditation, Science of Mind, Visualization, Self-Care, Education, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Health, Coaching, Counselling, Counseling, Spiritual Psychology, Healthy Living, CSL Kelowna, Inspiration, Wellbeing, WeAreCSL, We Are CSL, Metaphysics, Centers for Spiritual Living, Freedom, Happiness, Joy, Positive Thinking, Positivity, Prayer, Spirit, Harmony, FathersDay2021

“I let go of all confusion and permit myself to rise into that realm of pure Spirit which is forever free from doubt and uncertainty.”

— Ernest Holmes



At Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, we are dedicated to providing practical spiritual tools for personal and global transformation. We recognize that it is not enough to know the principles for raising consciousness, we must embody them. Our classes and workshops support your personal growth so that you can tap into the magnificent power that resides within you. It has always been there, and it is waiting for you to use it!

Compassionate Care

Compassionate Care

Our goal is to support members of our community who are experiencing challenges. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our practitioners and ministers.

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With our organization’s mission always in mind, we believe in service to our community. As we gather together with love and laughter, we support each other in stepping into our potential.
We celebrate diversity and uniqueness as the divine expresses itself through and as each individual.

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