Register your 2024 membership with
Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna
If you resonate with New Thought teachings; if you attend our Sunday Celebrations in person or watch our livestream (on Facebook, YouTube or the home page of our website); if you feel a sense of belonging with our community; consider making it official through your 2024 membership!
Uphold the teachings and practices of the Science of Mind™.
Regularly attend CSLK's Sunday Celebrations in person and/or online.
Make regular financial contributions and volunteer.
Attend the AGM and vote.
Opportunities to run for office and/or serve on committees of the Board.
Invitation from our Assistant Minister,
Rev. Corinne Crockett
​I would love for you to become a member of Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna in 2024!
​“The strength and success and progress of a spiritual community lies not in the leaders, but in the people of the community, in the hearts of the people of the community.” I resonate deeply with these words spoken by Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen, past Spiritual Leader of Centers for Spiritual Living.
The members of CSL Kelowna are our heart and strength and are living examples of Spirit in action. I would love for you to become a member of Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna in 2024!
Membership in a Spiritual Community isn’t like other kinds of membership. This commitment to membership comes from a deep part of you, indicating you have found a place where you belong and want to serve.
Membership such as this is a spiritual practice, affirming to yourself and to the world that we unify in membership for the good of ourselves, humanity, and our planet.
Membership is a personal decision to acknowledge to yourself, to our Centre, and to Universal Law that you choose to be part of something greater than ourselves. It’s about finding a place that you can grow and call home!
Membership connects and supports you within the consciousness of a community dedicated to a Vision of Creating a World that Works for All.
Membership also gives you the opportunity to get involved and vote on the future of our Centre, both at our Annual General Meeting and in the selection of our new Senior Minister.
Membership expires every year and must be renewed annually. With the arrival of 2024, it’s time to either celebrate your new membership or conscious renewal of your existing membership. Brand new members will receive a free 6-month digital subscription to the Science of Mind magazine.
In the New Year, we’ll be giving each member a card to signify your membership.
We are asking each of you who feels led to sign-up for membership to affirm your agreement to the duties, responsibilities, and privileges of being a member of CSL Kelowna.
These duties and privileges include:
To uphold the teachings and practices of the Science of Mind™
To regularly attend the spiritual meetings of the Centre whenever possible
To make regular and identifiable financial contributions to the Centre
To provide volunteer support to the Centre
To attend the business meetings of the Centre whenever possible
To have the privilege to run for office in and/or serve on committees of the Board of Trustees
It is a very conscious and mindful way to declare, as a member of the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, you are a part of something greater!
Membership is easy, it can be done online or in person at Sunday Service. Simply fill out the membership form below.
There is a $50 voluntary, tax-deductible donation which supports our Centre and the membership process. We are incredibly grateful for all your contributions.
I love that you are a part of us!
Rev. Corinne Crockett
Please complete the form below and then click on the SUBMIT button.
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