My Sacred Covenant for our New Minister
There is only One Life! This Life is Good! This Life is God! This Life is my Life now!
In knowing that I am ‘One’ with this Life that is God… I, therefore, know that I am ‘one’ with all of Its blessed expressions, which includes the Presence of a New Minister for my Beloved Spiritual Community. The Highest Purpose of my New Minister is to reveal the Love of God.
I know my New Minister is a revelation of God as: UNITY.
I further know that my New Minister is the fulfillment of that which has been promised by God, for it is written:
So powerful is the Light of Unity that it can illuminate the whole world.
— Bahá’u’llá
As I stand in agreement with my Beloved Community, I see my New Minister revealed before me as:
A Visionary Leader, Teacher and Healer.
I now intend to experience my New Minister in full cooperation and agreement with my Community, in knowing this Truth about myself, for...
I am the embodiment and model of welcoming Love.
I am awakening Wisdom and illuminating the Consciousness of Spirit within me.
I am revealing and restoring Wholeness through the Power of Love
I am including Mystical Studies in our Spiritual Community.
I am growing and expanding our Spiritual Community,
I am ______________________________________________________________
(Personal affirmation)
I am ______________________________________________________________
(Trans-personal affirmation)
As I now accept the highest expression of a New Minister into my life. I know that they reveal the Love of God and serve the highest and greatest Good of all who are touched by their Presence.
I am grateful God is so good.
And so it is.
Signature Date