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Sacred Covenant

Following much work with the Co-Creation Committee, a team of 12 people representing the members of our Centre, Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn presented our Sacred Covenant to call in our new Senior Minister.

My Sacred Covenant for our New Minister

There is only One Life!  This Life is Good!  This Life is God!  This Life is my Life now!


In knowing that I am ‘One’ with this Life that is God… I, therefore, know that I am ‘one’ with all of Its blessed expressions, which includes the Presence of a New Minister for my Beloved Spiritual Community. The Highest Purpose of my New Minister is to reveal the Love of God.


I know my New Minister is a revelation of God as: UNITY.


I further know that my New Minister is the fulfillment of that which has been promised by God, for it is written:


So powerful is the Light of Unity that it can illuminate the whole world.  


As I stand in agreement with my Beloved Community, I see my New Minister revealed before me as:


A Visionary Leader, Teacher and Healer.


I now intend to experience my New Minister in full cooperation and agreement with my Community, in knowing this Truth about myself, for... 


  • I am the embodiment and model of welcoming Love.

  • I am awakening Wisdom and illuminating the Consciousness of Spirit within me.

  • I am revealing and restoring Wholeness through the Power of Love

  • I am including Mystical Studies in our Spiritual Community.

  • I am growing and expanding our Spiritual Community,

  • I am ______________________________________________________________

                  (Personal affirmation)

  • I am ______________________________________________________________

                  (Trans-personal affirmation)


As I now accept the highest expression of a New Minister into my life. I know that they reveal the Love of God and serve the highest and greatest Good of all who are touched by their Presence.  


I am grateful God is so good.


And so it is.



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