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Happy Monday, March 8, 2021

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna

It’s that time of year where we invite you, our community, to participate in creating the container for our spiritual family. That container is called Membership.

My many years in ministry has taught me that spiritual community is the result of everyone contributing to the family in consciousness, as well as in acts and deeds. One piece of this is your “yes” through a conscious commitment. You can do this by filling out our Membership form. Another piece is being willing to do your part, as we like to say, by washing the dishes and paying the bills – the wonderful realities of this material plane!

During this time of pandemic, our community’s opportunities for service (the metaphor of the dishes) have been quite curtailed; however, I’m so grateful that your participation in paying the bills continues to warm our hearts!

Membership is also important as far as the business affairs of the Centre go. If anything, our business aspects have grown and the work has escalated over the past year. Some of this information is what we’ll be sharing at our annual general meeting. Our AGM is scheduled to be a virtual event on Zoom on March 21st at 2pm. We remind everyone that according to our bylaws as a registered society in the province of British Columbia, only those who have officially registered as members have the right and privilege to vote in the official affairs of the Centre, including voting in two new members to our Board of Trustees.

I love to reminisce about the first Annual General Meeting I ever attended, back in the day, when I was a new member of the Religious Science Church of the Desert in California. I felt so honoured to be part of the inner sanctum of the business and organizational aspects of that community. (I guess I’m an organizational business nerd!) Truly, I felt I was so blessed to participate and have that sense that me and my vote mattered. You matter, too. Very much so.

Last week, I told you about the passing of one of our long-time members, Bill Hannah. His service will be livestreamed on Saturday, March 20th at 10am. If anyone from our community would like to attend or send condolences, here is the link for his obituary and the livestreamed service (which can be viewed live or at your convenience):

Lastly for this week, we were blessed to receive a grant from the Hefferlin Foundation to help support our need for some new equipment for our livestream services – much gratitude to their Board. We tried it all out this past Sunday and it was great (big thanks to our tech guru, Amanda Pope)! We noticed a little echo, most likely from our laminate flooring. So we’re seeking your help. If you have a large carpet sitting in your garage or basement that’s looking for a new home, please email me directly at Please and thank you!

Blessings to all!

Dr. Deborah


If you missed yesterday’s talk by Dr. Deborah Gordon titled Living in the Question, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.


Practitioner of the Week is Rev. Melody Bailey. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact her directly via email at



“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

— Coretta Scott King


Copyright © 2021 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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