Happy Official Spring!
As I sit to write my weekly blog, I’ve developed a habit of first looking out my office window at the expanse of nature that sits behind my home. We’re blessed to be nestled up in the side of Dilworth Mountain and behind us is a hill that’s too steep for any building, so it’ll maintain its pristine beauty forever. I love that gazing out there brings my attention to changes that the seasons bring; that in my busyness, my unawareness, my distractedness, I might not otherwise notice. This week, I noticed a slight cast of greenness that was absolutely not there last week, and particularly, there’s one swatch of bright green grass that seems way ahead of any other expression of new growth.
It reminds me — there’s always one in the crowd who’s way out ahead of the rest. These people are the ones out in the leading edge, sometimes known as the innovators. They are the ones who are the first out there, okay with risk and eager to try something new and progressive. Then you have the middle groups: the early adopters, and then the early and late majorities. Finally, there is what’s termed the ‘laggards’, the most risk aversive, the ones who resist change at any price. I love that nature demonstrates society and culture. (Or is it that culture mimics nature?)
Part of what I wanted to share today is gratitude for those of you who attended our Annual General Meeting yesterday. I was grateful we had an easy quorum, and UBER grateful to gaze into the eyes of our members (albeit via Zoom). It was sweet. Even though we didn’t have the year we’d planned or expected, we did have a good year in terms of “keeping on keeping on” in our virtual format and a good year in terms of our finances. A big shout of thanks for that!
And so in thinking about that grass in my yard, and our AGM, one of the things I mentioned I’d like to do is to create a Reinvention Team: a group of people, most likely some of those innovators and progressive early adopters, who would come together on a regular basis to be in the place of wondering and curiosity about what our Community’s next greater-yet-to-be might look like. This would be a time to brainstorm and vision our future together. If this is you, I’d love to hear from you.
It’s always sad for me when Board members come to the end of their terms, especially this year with Rev. Diane Hockey and Barb Duffy leaving our Board. Rev. Diane has served in so many key positions — you name it, she’s done it. From President to Treasurer, to bookkeeper, to wisdom keeper, to Saturday Salon leader, teacher, to member of our Finance Committee and the list goes on — truly! Barb Duffy has served as an amazing Board Secretary and on our Finance Committee as well. I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone with such an organizational eye to order and detail as Barb. I’m so grateful to these two amazing women who’ve generously shared their gifts of service with us. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
(Just as an aside, their departure has also left two spots open on our Finance Committee. If this is your area of wisdom and expertise, I’d love to hear from you!)
Within all of this, I feel spring offering us the time of renewal… Yay!
Have a blessed week!
Dr. Deborah
If you missed yesterday’s talk by Derek Hinchliffe, RScP, titled With Open Arms, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.
Practitioner of the Week is Derek Hinchliffe, RScP. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact the practitioner directly via email at hinched@me.com.
“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!”
— Sitting Bull
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