Sunday Celebration: In Person
Sun, Aug 23
|East Kelowna, BC
Our first in-person Sunday Celebration since March will be outdoors. Safety rules include: sanitizing, wearing a mask, no hugging and no mixing with other 'bubbles'.
Time & Location
Aug 23, 2020, 10:30 a.m. PDT
East Kelowna, BC
About the event
Each individual must pre-register via the RSVP button*. (For our head count to be accurate, only one person per RSVP, please). The precise location and further information will be emailed to you once you register.
Please do not show up unless your registration is confirmed, as we are strictly limited to 40 guests. If your plans change, please notify Dr. Deborah Gordon at so someone on the waiting list can fill your spot.
Technology permitting, those not attending in person will still be able to watch the service on Facebook Live via Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna's Facebook page. Just before 10:30 am on Sunday morning, go to: and scroll down until you see the LIVE video.
*If you've already personally spoken to and confirmed your attendance with Barb Samuel before Monday, August 17, you're on the list and don't need to register for this Sunday again through this site.