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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna


Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

Rev. Barbara Samuel


“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Franklin Roosevelt

What are you afraid of? I mean REALLY afraid of? Dying? Being broke? Afraid for your LOVED ones? Frightened you may be really spending the rest of your life without a partner? Are you afraid of the dark? Let’s unravel the Truth behind our fears together!

Rev. Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen, co-musical Directors, will be in costume on a Halloween Soul Food Sunday. Come dressed up in your finest Hallow’s Eve attire during our Facebook Live Sunday service and post your photo in the comments!

Join Rev. Barb, Neal and the rest of the Sunday Six on October 31 at 10:30am on Facebook Live.

Tune in early at 10:20am to hear the music of New Thought musician Christy Snow.



This Week’s Science of Mind Theme

I’ll Meet You There

The One Infinite Reality expresses Itself in three aspects: Spirit, Law and Body. Each individual is made in the image and likeness of the One Infinite Reality and has these same three aspects.

The One Infinite Reality is both transcendent and immanent. Individual human beings are spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe having a human experience. This is our True Nature.

Heaven is the state of awareness of our True Nature. We experience our True Nature to the degree we become conscious of it. We actively seek to know the True Nature of every individual and celebrate each individual’s unique expression of it. This experience of our True Nature is sure to be attained by all.

There is a Reality greater than “appearances”. To try ignoring them is a spiritual bypass. Only by facing appearances head on and allowing the Infinite within us to guide us through, will we truly ascend into a greater knowing.

This weekend, we celebrate a time of belief that the veil between this world and another world is thin. Halloween, Samhain and Dia de Muertos are all considered liminal or threshold days. We can use this as a metaphor for moving past the “scary monsters” of appearances. We view children trick-or-treating with delight instead of fear, knowing we are safe despite appearances.

Listen to the wisdom that might seem from “beyond the veil”. It is living within us always.


First Visioning Session Complete, More to Come

Thank you to everyone who attended the first of our Visioning sessions for our “new next” last Sunday! It was such a beautiful, heartfelt time together. We love what came through. (Read more about it in this week’s Happy Monday blog post.)

We’re tentatively planning for the next of these Zoom sessions on December 5th. Save the date and we’ll let you know the details when they’re firm.


In-Person Sunday Celebration: November 7, 2021

We are having our next monthly in-person and virtual (hybrid) Sunday Celebration at the Innovation Centre on November 7th at 10:30am. We can accommodate 50 people, with masks, sanitizing and social distancing protocols in place. Please RSVP on our event page.

If you’ve registered and you change your mind, please cancel, so we can have your space for another person.


Special Meeting for Members: November 7, 2021

On November 7th at 4pm, we are having a very rare (first time in over 28 years) Special Meeting of our official membership to vote in a brand new beautiful set of Bylaws for our Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. We require a quorum for this, so if you’re a signed up member, please attend.


Practitioner of the Week

Dr. Deborah Gordon is our practitioner of the week. Contact her directly at for your personal prayer request. Remember: our practitioners are here for you. They love to serve you with support and positive prayer (also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment). They are as close as your email and will respond to your prayer request as soon as they can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Regular Events at CSLK

Here’s a summary of upcoming events. See more details on our website.


Coffee and Connection with Dr. Deb, Rev. Barb and friends is back in full force, every other Thursday. Our next time together will be November 4 at 10am. Everyone is welcome to this time of casual connection.

Passcode: connection


After-service Community Chat (formerly called Fellowship) is every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Join Laura, Joanne and other members of our CSLK community for a friendly catch-up chat after our Sunday Celebration. Our next Community Chat is on November 14. Everyone is welcome!

Passcode: community


Pre-service Meditation is every first and third Sunday of the month from 9:45am to 10:05am. You’ll have time after the meditation to refresh and switch over to Facebook Live for our Sunday Celebration. The next meditation will be on November 7.

Passcode: meditation


Our Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30am on Facebook Live. Visit our page at and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)


Our children's VIBE program is on hiatus.


We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:

  1. On our website via PayPal or credit card.

  2. Through Interac money transfers sent to

  3. By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.

  4. Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.

For more information, please contact our treasurer, Derek Hinchliffe.



We must transcend the appearance, even though we admit it is a fact. We are not so cold-blooded as to say to a person with pain that there is no such thing as pain. We admit the fact. IT IS QUITE DIFFERENT TO ADMIT ITS NECESSITY. Disease, accordingly, is a fact, but not a truth.

Ernest Holmes


Copyright © 2021, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

Vol. 30. Issue 44 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak

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