Last Sunday was a full-on day starting with our Sunday Celebration, followed by the Installation of our Assistant Minister, Rev. Corinne Crockett. Then we had a terrific potluck! See photos below. This coming Sunday, will be special, too! We have Rev. Melody Bailey giving the talk, and Tanya Lipscomb returns with her beautiful, uplifting music!
This Sunday’s talk:
Are You Being Served?
— Rev. Melody Bailey
“All that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.”
— Edwin Markham
Are you being served? Or are you serving? Rev. Melody Bailey dives deeply into the idea of service as a way of life – a fun and loving part of being in community, and as a spiritual practice.
Join Rev. Melody and our in-person congregation this Sunday, July 24th at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC. Doors open at 10:15am. Please visit the event page for more details and a map. Everyone is welcome!
If you are not feeling well, please stay at home and watch us on Facebook Live.
This Week’s Science of Mind Theme
We are Star Stuff
This month, we are exploring our relationship with nature; the aspect of nature that includes rocks, soil, plants, waters, and animals of the Earth, as well as the ways in which we are part of nature. We are intimately affected by all aspects of nature, but are we consciously in a loving relationship with it?
The entire seen and unseen universe is all happening within, and as a result of God acting upon ItSelf. Nothing happens outside of Spirit. How we relate to nature is a direct demonstration of how we relate to God.
A relationship with nature, while being an amazing, vital, and rewarding relationship, is one that will be superficial if we do not see and appreciate the intrinsic value of nature as it exists in and as our very own lives. If I do not see the beauty within and how my body communicates with itself, then I will not fully appreciate or understand how the trees communicate with the birds, the sun with the roses, the flowers with the bees. What I will experience (while being good) may never be as wonderful as it can be, when I love it for what it truly is.
All matter matters. How can you honour and celebrate the Divine in all parts of Nature?

“We're made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” — Carl Sagan
Installation Celebration and Community Potluck

If you weren’t at our service last Sunday, July 17th, we encourage you to watch the replay of Dr. Deborah Gordon’s wonderful talk, Celebrating Community, followed by the Installation Celebration of Rev. Corinne Crockett as Assistant Minister.
July 17: The Day in Pictures
Photos by Annie (Zed) Zalezsak
Friends and family arrived from far and wide to attend this special day.

Some of us hadn’t seen each other since 2019! It was a time for us to reconnect.

Rev. Gwen Smith sang "Amazing Things", a song dedicated to Rev. Corinne.
Rev. Jeanette Vinek gave the affirmative prayer treatment.
Dr. Deborah Gordon gave the talk, Celebrating Community.
Rev. Barb Samuel sang "I Release and I Let Go".
After the service, people lingered for a chat.

During the coffee break, volunteers planned the potluck strategy.

Staff ministers welcomed Rev. Corinne, Dr. Deborah and Dr. Kenn to the stage.

Dr. Deborah talked about the purpose of the installation ceremony.

Dr. Deborah asked Rev. Corinne questions to confirm commitment to this role.

Ministers and practitioners held a prayer closet for Rev. Corinne.

After the ceremony, the ministers commemorated the occasion with a photo.

We all took part in a huge (and delicious) feast.

We break bread together. Our hearts (and our tummies) are full!

See more photos in our 2022 Installation Celebration album on Facebook.

More Events to Put on Your Calendar
We are planning a bunch of events with details coming soon. If you haven’t yet done so, please mark these dates on your calendar.
August 14: Town hall meeting
August 26: Gratitude dinner for Conscious Givers
September 11: Practitioner and Ministerial Ceremony
September 17: Quick Start class with Rev. Diane and Corinne (in person)
September 21: Spiritual Principles & Practices with Dr. Deb and Rev. Corinne
(5 Wednesday evenings on Zoom)
September 24: Spiritual Principles & Practices with Dr. Deb and Rev. Corinne
(5 Saturdays in person)
November 25: Dr. Deb’s and Dr. Kenn’s retirement and CSLK 30th anniversary party
Practitioner Support

Our ministers and practitioners are in service to all of us. If you need help to see the Truth in a situation; if you are looking for clarity; if you are struggling in this challenging time; our ministers and practitioners are here to support you. You can contact them through the About page on our website, or you can submit a prayer request on the Contact page.

Pop Your Receipts in the Box

You can help CSL Kelowna raise funds in a very simple way! Save your Nature’s Fare receipts and bring them to any Sunday service at Studio 9. We now have a dedicated box at the back of the auditorium for receipt collection. Nature’s Fare will donate 3% of the total of your purchases to CSL Kelowna!
Regular Events at CSLK
See more details and dates under Upcoming Events on our home page.
Do you have an idea for an online CSLK opportunity you’d like to see and experience? If so, please email Dr. Deborah Gordon at revgord@shaw.ca.
We appreciate our volunteers! They make our Sundays great! Let us know if you can help out with making coffee, setting up and/or after-service taking down. Contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or corinne_crockett@telus.net
Coffee and Connection with Dr. Deborah, Rev. Barb and Rev. Corinne is on hiatus for the summer.
This bi-weekly Zoom gathering will return again in September.
Our Sunday Celebrations start at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna. Please park on the street or at Ben Lee Park (1.5 blocks from the school). You can also watch us live on Facebook or watch the replay later on YouTube.
Pre-service Meditation and our children's VIBE program are currently on hiatus and are being reimagined.
We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:
Online via the Ways to Donate page of our website (PayPal or credit card).
By Interac e-transfers sent to donate@cslkelowna.org.
By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.
Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.
For more information, please contact Rev. Melody Bailey.
“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
— Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Copyright © 2022, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 31, Issue 30 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak