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What Are Your BeLIEfs?

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna


What Are Your BeLIEfs?

Dr. Deborah Gordon


“You are to find the roots of your life in pure Spirit… Lose your sense of being separated from your good and you will find that you are united with it.

Ernest Holmes

Dr. Deborah explores the lies held within our beliefs. This quote gives a clue to her Sunday message.

“You should let go of the lesser in order to experience the greater. This is not a bad bargain. If you lose a sense of unhappiness you will become happy. If you lose a sense of confusion you will be at peace. … This is not the easiest thing to do. When you are in pain it is difficult to affirm peace. When you are in want it is hard to affirm abundance. But this is the true meaning of losing your life. What you lose is a false sense of being. You are trading the unreal for the real, the false for the true. … If you wish to live in the kingdom of heaven, forget hell.”

— from This Thing Called You, pg. 81-82 by Ernest Holmes

Join Dr. Deborah and the rest of the Sunday Six on August 1 at 10:30am on Facebook Live.

Tune in early at 10:20am to hear the music of Barbara Samuel and Neal Klassen!



The SOM theme for August is “A Pause for Guidance”. This month, we pause for guidance, rest and rejuvenation, and we prepare for the next leg of our journey. We welcome joy, innovation, authenticity, vulnerability and the opportunity to evolve our thinking.

This Week’s Science of Mind Theme

Time for a Tune-up

It is time for a personal tune-up to ensure we are aligned with our life values so we may continue on our path, whole and with joy. We consider being in alignment with our personal values of spirituality, relationships, time and health.

Just like cars need a tune-up, we also need to take time on a regular basis to have a spiritual tune-up. Take this week to:

  • get support with a regular spiritual tune-up;

  • evaluate where you would like improvement in your life and be teachable in those areas; and

  • lose that which you don’t want and share the thing that you do want.

Start being that which you want to experience more of in the world. You already have it within you.


Practitioner of the Week

If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING that might be going on for you, (including inviting more good into your life), contact our designated Practitioner of the Week directly via email with your prayer request. This week is Jade Harms, RScP at This is a powerful service from our dedicated Practitioners. Thank you!


Free SOM Magazine

If you’re in the Kelowna area, drop by the Pandosy Peace Centre to pick up a free back issue of the July SOM magazine. The magazines are in a plastic bag outside, on the table that faces Pandosy Street.


August Hiatus for Zoom Meetings

Our community Zoom events are on hiatus in August. This includes our Sunday morning pre-service Meditations, our after-service Fellowship, and our Thursday morning Coffee and Connection.


CSLK’s Weekly Happenings

Sunday Meditation is on hiatus for August, but Rev. Melody Bailey will be posting a pre-recorded meditation in our Facebook group. The next Zoom meditation will be on September 5th, from 9:45am to 10:05am.

Meeting ID: 824 2377 7379

Password: meditation


Our Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30am on Facebook Live. Visit our page at and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)


Our children's VIBE program is on hiatus.


We are so Grateful for your Support!

We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:

  1. On our website via PayPal or credit card.

  2. Through Interac money transfers sent to

  3. By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.

  4. Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.

For more information, please contact our treasurer, Derek Hinchliffe.



Happiness is always on the other side of being teachable.

Shannon L. Alder


Copyright © 2021, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

Vol. 30. Issue 31 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak

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