Unchained Spirituality
— Dr. Deborah Gordon
Please join us on Facebook Live this Sunday at 10:30 am.
“What you see depends not only on what you look at, but also, on where you look from .”
— James Deacon
Freedom, success and prosperity are spiritual attributes that belong to all people. So what does "unchained spirituality" look like?
Being a force for good in the world. Being aware of what our beliefs are.
This Sunday, Dr. Deborah will share that being more aware of your thoughts and actions could elevate your spiritual journey, and in so doing, elevate everyone else.

Community Conversations
Join us for our weekly Community Conversations starting next Wednesday, July 8th at 7pm on Zoom.
In a safe and supportive environment, we'll explore anti-racism and discuss topics like privilege, inherent biases, and systemic racial injustice.
Our objectives for creating a space to have these important and sometimes difficult conversations are to expand awareness, allow for healing, and identify ways we can each personally support the expansion of a more equitable society. We will be using a framework called “Dismantling Racism” created by Unity minister, Reverend Wendy Craig-Purcell.
We invite you to come with an open heart and an open mind. The sessions are free, but registration is required.

Annie Zed (Zalezsak) has been busy redesigning the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna website, which went live on June 30! We’re still waiting on a few photos, but were excited to launch in time for Canada Day.
As part of CSLK’s marketing team, you may have seen Annie taking photos on a Peace Walk or at the 2018 Ordination. She’s also the one who designed the 2017 Conference program.
Some of you know Annie for her artwork and may even own one of her paintings. Her career life has been steeped in visual and written communication, working as a graphic designer and writer for print and online mediums. Take a look at her website, Quirky Idea (quirkyidea.com) to find out more about Annie’s skills. Perhaps she can help you with communicating your brand, too!
Visit cslkelowna.org and let us know what you think of our new look!

Message from the Editor
On the new website, you'll see a Blog page. Going forward, our newsletters will be 'blog posts' that you can read on the website. You'll also get a blog alert coming to your email each week, starting today. As it's a new feature we're testing for the first time, we're sending you both the newsletter and the blog. They'll look different, but the content will be the same. Once we confirm that people are receiving the blog by email, we'll phase out the old style newsletter. If you don't find the new blog in your email's inbox, please check your junk folder and mark it as a safe sender. If something went awry, please let us know the issue by emailing us at cslkmarketing@gmail.com. Thank you for your patience!
Updates from the Board of Trustees
Amanda Pope, President

Rev. Diane Hockey has stepped down from her role as our bookkeeper as of June 30. Diane has been doing an excellent job of keeping the books in order for many years. She has been a steward for the financial growth of the Centre far beyond the specific accounting duties she has performed. Our Centre has been blessed by her competence, her consciousness, and her commitment. The love and order she has brought to the role leaves a legacy of stability and prosperity. While Diane has chosen to step back from her weekly bookkeeping role, we are very fortunate that she has agreed to stay on and share her wisdom as a member of the finance committee and a mentor to our new bookkeeper, and of course as one of our long serving board of trustees members. Please join with me in expressing my heartfelt gratitude to Diane.

Diane has left some very big shoes to fill, and we are delighted to have Derek Hinchliffe step into the role of bookkeeper at the Centre. After a long and successful career in broadcast journalism, Derek decided to pursue a part-time bookkeeping career in his retirement. Over the past several months, he has been hard at work completing a foundational accounting certificate at Okanagan College, and he is now completing a bookkeeping certificate as well. He has also had the good fortune of the mentor-ship of Diane Hockey. The two of them have worked closely together for the past few years since Derek stepped into the role of Treasurer on the board. Derek will continue to serve as Treasurer and will be supported by Diane and the rest of the finance committee as he takes on this new role. Please join with me in expressing gratitude to Derek for stepping in as our new bookkeeper.
Getting to Know You
Our volunteer coordinator, Rev. Gwen Smith, is interviewing members of CSL Kelowna and sharing their stories here. This week we profile Fred Blunden.

Fred Blunden was introduced to Religious Science 60 years ago, and has been a member of Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna for almost two years.
After arriving in Canada from England, Fred lived in Montreal for a short time. There he met a woman who introduced him to the writings of Norman Vincent Peale. This began many great discussions about positive thinking, and he loved it.
Along with this "Angel Lady" and her daughter, Fred traveled to Calgary and they stayed in touch. It was this same person who suggested that Fred attend a discussion group on how to improve your life. It was led by Rev. Grace Baskin, the first Religious Science Minister in Canada who had studied under Ernest Holmes.
The concept of "a law of life that works" was a natural fit for Fred and he became very involved with the Centre in Calgary.
"It was exciting times building and growing the church, serving on the board, and hiring the new minister after Rev. Grace left," says Fred.
Fred and his wife Dorothy were married by Rev. Grace and both his daughters have been raised in the teaching – Janice is also one of our CSLK members.
Fred attended the Annual Conference at Asilomar more than ten times and took classes up to and including first year ministerial studies. He used the principles in his daily life and applied them to a successful business career.
His business took him and Dorothy to Invermere where he wasn’t able to find a like-minded community. Fred missed CSL terribly until they moved to Kelowna.
As of March 2020, Fred is one of the newer members of CSLK’s Board of Trustees and brings a treasure of experience to the table.
His faith and trust in the Law enables him to know that “the church will change and it will be for the better, and I know deep in my heart it will work out in the most beautiful way”.

A Thousand THANK-YOUs for your donation
As you might imagine, the quarantine has not only changed the way we are meeting as a Centre, but it has also drastically changed our finances!
We are so very thankful to all of you who have been able to give during this challenging time! We are deeply grateful to our conscious givers and their steady support – what a true gift! If you would like to donate to your Centre, there are several ways to do that! Just click here to learn more.

Sunday Service Meditation
Sunday morning meditation is back!
Rev. Melody Bailey has assembled a team to lead us in a meditation practice on Zoom every Sunday morning from 9:45am to 10:05am. That will leave you time for a body break, a coffee or tea refill before you sign in on Facebook Live for our Sunday celebration at 10:30am.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82423777379 Meeting ID: 824 2377 7379 Password: meditation
Wondering How to Access the Sunday Talks?

There are three ways to access the livestream broadcast.
1. Click here just before 10:30 on Sunday morning;
2. Go to our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/CSLKelowna/ and scroll down until you see the video;
3. Anytime after the service, just go to our YouTube channel by clicking here.
“The Divine Plan is one of Freedom. The inherent nature of man is ever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom, because freedom is the birthright of every living soul.”
— Ernest Holmes
Copyright © 2020, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 29. Issue 27 | Editor: Derek Hinchliffe
If you missed Dr Deborah's talk "Unchained Spirituality", you can watch it on YouTube at https://youtu.be/k2BstPMnCfI
I think this new "blog" style is fabulous!! Thanks so much to a great team!!