Transcend and Include
— Amanda Pope, RScP
“Let us practice blessing and thinking kindly about others, realizing that all people actually are doing the best they know how to do.”
— Ernest Holmes
As we will soon be moving into autumn, we recognize that this is a time of change. We say goodbye to the long hot days of summer and we welcome the cooler weather and beautiful autumn colours. Just like the changing seasons, our world is also in a liminal time. We said goodbye to our ‘normal’ lives over a year ago and we have yet to move fully into a new season. This Sunday, Amanda unpacks the value to be found in this liminal time.
Join Amanda and the rest of the Sunday Six on September 12 at 10:30am on Facebook Live.
Tune in early at 10:20am to hear the music of New Thought musician, Gary Lynn Floyd.
This Week’s Science of Mind Theme
Transcend and Include
The Spiral Dynamics Model is an evolutionary spiral that expansively transcends and includes (ideally) the best of what has come before. We are called to transcend our old paradigms of being, including only those elements that are life-supporting and serve the evolution of our consciousness.
A person’s life takes place on three planes: the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Transcendence involves rising beyond conditions and the world of effects into the realm of Spirit.
Spirituality may be defined as an atmosphere of goodness, truth, beauty, harmony, and reality. To be spiritually-minded is to be whole-minded or holy. We realize the complete unity of God and Its creation; we understand the complete unity and close relationship of all life.
We are comingled like water in the ocean: impossible to determine where one drop begins or ends, because there is no separation of individualized expressions of the One.
To live our values and the principle of Oneness, we must transcend any illusions of separateness.
It is through the critical mass of individuals who have transcended the world of conditions and effects through their individualized consciousness that the “Beloved Community” can be actualized.
International Day of Peace
Learn more at
Community Survey
We’re delighted so many of you took the time to answer our Community Survey! It’s so important and valuable for establishing the pulse of our community as we move forward! Thank you so very much! It’s heartening that you cared enough to share your thoughts with us. Stay tuned for the results.
Can You Help?
Amanda Pope is arranging work parties to help spruce up the Pandosy Peace Centre! If you have some time to help with cleaning or gardening, please contact Amanda. We will make it fun!
Are you comfortable using a computer? If so, Amanda would love some help with the livestream service on Sunday mornings. Please contact Amanda at
Coffee and Connection
Coffee and Connection with Dr. Deb, Rev. Barb and friends will re-start on September 23 and will be every second week following that date. Everyone is welcome to attend this time of connection.
Meeting ID: 84822529807 Passcode: connection
Join Joanne, Laura and other members of our CSLK community for a casual catch-up chat after our Sunday Celebration every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Our next Fellowship Zoom meeting is on September 12. Everyone is welcome!
Meeting ID: 829 8904 5903 Passcode: fellowship
September 19: In-Person Sunday Celebration
For the first time in a year and a half, we will have an in-person Sunday Celebration indoors!
Members of the Board of Trustees and the Sunday Six have carefully inspected all aspects of the venue, and it was unanimously decided to go ahead and book it for Sunday, September 19.
We are so excited for you to join us!
Here are the strict safety protocols and things you need to know.
Each individual must RSVP by September 18. (Couples and families must register separately as individuals as we are only allowed a total of 50 people in the 100-seat theatre.)
Wear a mask at all times. (Only presenters/musicians may remove masks while on stage; all of the Sunday Six are fully vaccinated.)
Practice social distancing
Refrain from hugging others
Please stay home and watch the livestream if you are feeling unwell
At the venue (Innovation Centre, 460 Doyle Ave, Kelowna):
Hand sanitizer will be available
The building is well-ventilated and doors to the theatre will be kept open
There are 2 parkades nearby: one north and one south of Doyle Avenue Library Plaza Parkade, 1360 Ellis Street Memorial Parkade, 1420 Ellis Street
Free SOM Magazine
If you’re in the Kelowna area, drop by the Pandosy Peace Centre to pick up a free issue of the September SOM magazine. The magazines are in a plastic bag outside, on the table that faces Pandosy Street.
Practitioner of the Week
Rev. Barbara Samuel: Our practitioners are here for you. They love to serve you with support and positive prayer (also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment). They are as close as your email and will respond to your prayer request as soon as they can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
CSLK’s Weekly Happenings
Join us on Zoom for Meditation every first and third Sunday of the month from 9:45am to 10:05am. You’ll have time after the meditation to refresh and switch over to Facebook Live for our Sunday Celebration. The next meditation will be on September 19th. Zoom:
Meeting ID: 824 2377 7379 Password: meditation
Our Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30am on Facebook Live. Visit our page at and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)
Our children's VIBE program is on hiatus.
We are so Grateful for your Support!
We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:
On our website via PayPal or credit card.
Through Interac money transfers sent to
By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.
Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.
For more information, please contact our treasurer, Derek Hinchliffe.
“The soul (transcendent self) is that aspect of the psyche that feels as if it is personal, it cannot be divorced from the totality of the larger consciousness of which it is a part.”
— Lionel Corbett
Copyright © 2021, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 30. Issue 37 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak