Talk for this Sunday, October 8, 2023
Thank you for this day, Spirit
— Rev. Melody Bailey
“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”
— Thornton Wilder
The author of the book The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, writes about gratitude. She said that when she realized the true power of gratitude, she began to start her day with a practice that infused it with a whole different frequency of energy – an energy that is much more attractive to the ideas, the inspiration, the support, and the resources for our dreams. That energy is a magnitude of gratitude.
We will have a gratitude ceremony after the talk.
Join us this October 8, 2023 at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna, BC. Doors open at 10:15am. Please visit the event page for more details and a map. Everyone is welcome!
If you are not feeling well, please take good care of yourself and watch us on Facebook Live.
The SOM theme for October is Playing with Paradox. We are expanding our ability to Live Out Loud in every area of life through a playful exploration of paradox. Paradoxes are a natural part of life. The more that we can embrace this truth, the more we can find solutions to the major problems we are facing in our individual lives, our communities, and the world.
This Week’s Science of Mind Theme
Getting Comfortable with Discomfort
Ernest Holmes was very clear that we are spiritual beings living a human experience. If we are so focused on Oneness and the big picture that we miss opportunities to reach out and love and support one another then we are not embracing the totality of our humanity. And if we get so caught up in the suffering and challenges of living in the world that we forget our divinity, then we are missing out on the joy of being infinite and eternal.
It is important that we hold gently to our beliefs, ideas, and even identity as we assess what is working and not working in our life. Can we look at the areas of our life where we are holding tightly to one polarity and villainizing the other and see if there is a third way that utilizes the benefits of both aspects? Third-way thinking can be implemented in our lives to find solutions to the big challenges the world is facing today.
From Fear to Faith
Last Thursday, September 28, our community got together for a Fear to Faith process facilitated by Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn. The process led us through various layers of reflection, arriving at a level of clarity for each individual to state the qualities desired in our new minister.
We took the opportunity to have a group photo with Dr. Kathy (in the middle, next to Rev. Corinne Crockett).
Honour the Mystery and Embrace the Change
Last Sunday, October 1, following the deep and lengthy work of the committee who are tasked with putting together a package that will call in our new senior minister, Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn presented our new sacred covenant in her talk titled Honour the Mystery and Embrace the Change.
Rev. Corinne Crockett led an affirmative prayer before the service began.
It was a full house!
Rev. Jeanette Vinek presided.
Rev. Melody Bailey shared an affirmative prayer.
Neal Klassen sang "Into the Mystic".
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn read out the new sacred covenant…
… as those present followed along on copies that were handed out.
Neal, Rev. Barbara Samuel and Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers sang "So Sacred".
Neal and Rev. Barb sang "Just Say Yes!" with Rev. Gwen Smith.
People stayed for coffee and a chat.
See past services on our YouTube channel.
New Class: Spiritual Principles and Practices
Starting on Sunday, October 15, 2023, Rev. Melody Bailey is facilitating a new class called Spiritual Principles and Practices. It will be held after service on Sundays for 5 weeks.
Description: Living the best possible life takes practice, practice, practice. Discover proven practices that bring spiritual principles into action allowing you to manifest a desired goal or intention. Through this course, which offers spiritual practices and their methods that you can begin using NOW, you will begin to see results and changes in your life. Sign up now!
Practitioner Support
Our ministers and practitioners are in service to all of us. If you need help to see the Truth in a situation; if you are looking for clarity; if you are struggling in this challenging time; our ministers and practitioners are here to support you. You can contact them through the About page on our website, or you can submit a prayer request on the Contact page.
Bring Nature’s Fare Receipts to CSLK!
Nature’s Fare grocery store receipts are worth a pretty penny to us! Bring your shopping receipts to Sunday service and place them into the receipt box on the table in front of the stage in the Studio 9 auditorium. Nature’s Fare will donate 3% of the total of your purchases to CSL Kelowna! Every receipt helps! Thank you!
Regular Events at CSLK
See Upcoming Events on our home page. Stay informed of all the latest news from CSLK! Subscribe now to receive notifications of future blog posts.
Sunday Celebrations start at 10:30am PT at Studio 9, 1180 Houghton Road, Kelowna. Please park on the street or at Ben Lee Park (1.5 blocks from the school). You can also watch us live on Facebook or watch the replay later on YouTube.
Our volunteers are immensely valuable to CSLK! If you can help out with making coffee, setting up and/or after-service taking down, please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or email
Do you have an idea for CSLK community opportunities you’d like to experience? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett at 250-868-9090 or email
We would love to create a meaningful VIBE program for children and youth. If you have an idea, interest or passion in this area, please contact Rev. Corinne Crockett.
Your Support Means So Much to Our Community!
We’re grateful for the ways CSL Kelowna is able to accept donations:
Online via the Ways to Donate page of our website (PayPal or credit card).
By Interac e-transfers sent to
Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.
For more information, please contact Rev. Melody Bailey.
“And let us not forget the importance of keeping our minds in a state of good-natured flexibility. Yes, we must be flexible and tolerant as well as positive and affirmative.”
— Ernest Holmes
Copyright © 2023, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 32, Issue 41 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak