One Mind, Infinite Connections
— Derek Hinchliffe, RScP
“Science of Mind is not a new religion. It may be added to any spiritual system of thought and is a complement to all.”
— Dr. Ernest Holmes
How many wars have been fought over religion? Most, if not all of them. So how refreshing that the Science of Mind is not demanding to replace, but instead offering to complement any other spiritual system of thought.
Derek Hinchliffe, RScP, looks at the choices we make as we embrace New Thought philosophy. From the mouth of the Amazon to the mouths of babes, he will explore how we can all be one without all being the same.
Join Derek and the rest of the Sunday Six on Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 10:30am on Facebook Live.
This Week’s Science of Mind Theme
One Mind, Infinite Connections
Every religion and spiritual path is in some way connected to that Single River. Every person is connected to The River and to every wellspring. Our connection to God is our connection to one another!
We are an awakened spiritual community dedicated to the vision of the “Global Heart”. The Global Heart Vision is “a world that works for everyone” where poverty, hunger, homelessness, disenfranchisement and war no longer prevail; where forgiveness, compassion, nonviolence, respect, appreciation of beauty and the generous sharing of resources are the norm.
We are open to the impulse and guidance of Spirit, inspired by our vision and directed by our shared values, committed to our core principles and dedicated to transformation.
We engage in compassionate service and support within the organization, communities and the world, bringing forth enlightened citizens and spiritual leaders towards global transformation.
We commit to participate in the awakening of all individuals to their spiritual magnificence and personal power to create an individual life that works within a world that works for everyone.
Annual Membership Drive
February and March are the times of our annual membership drive. We have an easy form on the Ways to Donate page of our website (you can also get to it via the orange MEMBERSHIP button on the home page).
Membership is full of meaning. It gives each of us the opportunity to consciously and mindfully say: “Yes! I choose to belong to the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. This is my spiritual community. I am home.”
Membership is also a legal requirement to be a voting member at our Annual General Meeting which is coming up March 21st. We’ll meet on Zoom to share the “state of our community” and vote in our Board members. This is an open meeting; however, you must be officially signed up and registered as a 2021 member to vote.
Practice Makes Perfect!
By Derek Hinchliffe, RScP
Living the best possible life takes practice, practice, practice. So how do you know what and how to practice?
One way is to sign up for the CSL accredited Spiritual Principles and Practices class Dr. Deborah and I will be teaching on the five Mondays in March from 6pm to 8pm.
We will be offering you proven practices that you can begin using right now, allowing you to manifest a desired goal or intention.
You are going to walk away with some valuable tools to bring about a greater good, a more abundant life, a better condition than existed before.
You will learn how to ask what Spirit’s highest vision is for your life, and how to listen for the answer.
All of this will be done safely over Zoom in an energetic and fun-filled atmosphere.
Using the Ernest Holmes book, “This Thing Called You”, this class is designed for people who are new to the teaching. It’s a brand new class, so it also offers insight and inspiration for those with a greater depth of experience in the Science of Mind philosophy.
The investment is $170, and you can sign up on the Spiritual Principles and Practices event page.
I look forward to connecting with you!
The Drop In: Coffee and Connection
The next Coffee and Connection is on Thursday, March 4, 2021, from 10am to 11am PST. Chat with Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Barbara Samuel and Rev. Gwen Smith about whatever is on your mind!
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 84822529807
Passcode: connection
Practitioner of the Week
Contact our Practitioner of the Week directly via email with your request for prayer or treatment support for ANYTHING. This coming week (from Sunday to Saturday) is Rev. Gwen Smith at Thank you, practitioners, for this valuable service!
Free SOM Magazine
You are welcome to pick up a free issue of the current SOM magazine as our gift to you. The magazines are in a plastic bag outside of the Pandosy Peace Centre, on the table that faces Pandosy Street.
CSLK’s Weekly Happenings
Sunday Meditation is on the first and third Sunday of each month. The next meditation is on February 21, from 9:45am to 10:05am. (See details.)
Meeting ID: 824 2377 7379
Password: meditation
Our Sunday Celebrations are at 10:30am on Facebook Live. Visit our page at and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)
Our children's VIBE program is on hiatus. For information, please contact Joanne Marie, at
We are so Grateful for your Support!
We’re thankful for the many ways we are able to accept donations:
On our website via PayPal or credit card.
Through Interac money transfers sent to
By CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.
Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.
For more information, please contact our treasurer, Derek Hinchliffe.
“Within this Infinite Mind each individual exists… We are not separated from Life, neither is It separated from us, but we are separate entities in It — individualized centres of God Consciousness.”
— Ernest Holmes
Copyright © 2021, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
Vol. 30. Issue 8 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak