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Happy Monday, September 4, 2023

It's hard to believe September is upon us. We've experienced some very challenging days in August, and as difficult as it has been, my heart is full with the demonstrations of communities coming together to support each other and the first responders. I believe it has brought out the best in most of us, and has reminded us what we have to be grateful for.

From this place of gratitude, I am writing to invite you all to join us in a Luncheon we are hosting to honour our Conscious Givers and Volunteers.

Did you know our Centre’s operation depends on our Conscious Givers? These are generous members who have engaged the Law of Circulation by consistently contributing financially to where they receive their spiritual good.

Did you know that the selfless service of our volunteers allows us to provide our many services? We could not do what we do without them.

We're hosting this luncheon to honour our Conscious Givers and Volunteers. We want to break bread together, and share our gratitude for these beautiful humans who have been our backbone, have kept our doors open and are integral to EVERYTHING we do at our Centre. We want to love on them a little bit!

Everyone is welcome to attend and share their gratitude for these amazing people. We need you to RSVP so that we have enough lunch for everyone.

Much love and many blessings,

Rev. Jeanette Vinek

President, CSL Kelowna Board of Trustees


Copyright © 2023 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna.

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