It was wonderful to be together yesterday, both in-person at the Innovation Centre here in Kelowna, and with our virtual audience from everywhere! At the venue, it was so rewarding to see heads nodding, people clapping, singing and smiling even with their masks on.
I was delighted to share our news of having actually listed our Peace Centre (our classrooms and office building) with a realtor! As I referenced in my message yesterday, it’s all in the hands of the principle known as Divine Right Timing, which I trust implicitly during these times. I figure the Mind that holds the planets in their orbits and the stars in the sky, can probably know the perfection of Right Action for our Peace Centre, and so I surrender and trust the process!
It’s a big step for our community. Quite often when faced with these potentially big changes, I sometimes get nervous and try to figure out exactly what’s next and what we’ll do ‘when…’ but I’m finding with this process, I’m doing my best to stay in curiosity and the ‘question’. I feel very grounded and I am really trusting that the highest and best for us is what’s going to come out of this action. I have to say, it feels so free and open to not have to figure it all out beforehand, and instead to rely on the principle of Divine Timing.
Many of you know I truly have the heart of a teacher. I’ve come up with three quick and practical steps that your leadership has used in going forward with this decision to list our property. I hope these are ideas that can support us all in our own lives with any decisions or opportunities that may be before us in these uncertain times.
Focus on principles rather than opinions. In terms of listing the Peace Centre, my overarching lens has been Divine Right Timing. Making this decision didn’t happen because we decided to force out a plan to sell. It came about because there were signs greater than our opinions. We noticed the synchronicities; we were willing to move on the opportunity and to just say ‘yes’!
Pray and sleep on things. Even though this all happened very quickly, it was very conscious and deliberate as well. Kenn and I brought the idea to the Executive of our Board. It felt right between us, so then we brought it to our whole Board of Trustees. It felt right there, too. There were no dissenting opinions. Then, we shared it with our Practitioners and Ministers. Again, no negative niggles. And we’re praying. A formal prayer request has gone out to our Practitioner team.
Ask: Five years from now, what will I wish I had done? For many things that we may be facing today, this perspective can be so clarifying. I keep this question in my back pocket, to pull out when I don’t know what to do. When I remember to ask it, it typically leads to taking the higher road rather than reacting in the moment or even reacting out of the times I’m in. That high road isn’t always easy; but usually, it’s the best one.
I hope these steps might help with any decisions and opportunities you might be facing at this time.
Until next week, Dr. Deborah
If you missed yesterday’s Sunday Celebration talk given by Dr. Deborah Gordon titled When the Road Gets Rocky, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.
Practitioner of the Week is Derek Hinchliffe, RScP. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact this practitioner directly via email at
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Copyright © 2021 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.
What a truly wonderful teacher our Dr. Deborah is! She enlists the wisdom/guidance not only of the Creative Source, but places us in the cosmos of which we are a part. Thanks for the decision-making guidelines, Dr. Deborah! Walter and I are knowing with you the absolute divine right action and timing for the Peace Center sale and ultimately for CSL Kelowna community!