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Happy Monday, October 5, 2020

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna

This week’s message from Dr. Deborah

It’s another beautiful autumn day. Here in Canada, it’s the beginning of Thanksgiving week – what I think is one of the most powerful holiday traditions.

I love that this time of year gives me pause to remember that, besides just being grateful “after the fact” for some received good, gratitude is also a powerful causative energy. Our thoughts stimulate creative energy, causing more of the infinite invisible supply to take form. In fact, it waits for us to create with it and give it direction.

Today I want to share with you some gratitude I have - in both directions. The first is to give profound gratitude for what our Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna has received through one of our staff ministers. Rev. Corinne Crockett has been instrumental in so many aspects of our community. She has shared her abundant gifts of service to our community for many years, in many ways. She is a gifted teacher; she served as President of our Board of Trustees for two terms; she has served as lead of our Ministry of Practitioners and Compassionate Care team; and she has also led our mid-week Faith Lift services. Rev. Corinne Crockett is an extraordinary person.

In her own wisdom, Rev. Corinne Crockett has decided to take a sabbatical, a leave of absence for 18 months. I give thanks for that wisdom in choosing to take some time to gain clarity in her “what’s next.” I love that she assured me that she will always hold our Centre in her prayer treatments and in the highest consciousness. She is still available to be contacted through our website. (Something I am highly grateful for!)

The second is to give thanks for all of you and for the ‘new’ that our Centre is going to be, even though the what-and-how details are still divine ideas in the Mind of God.

What I know is that my heart is open to those ideas however and whenever they start to make their appearance. I also know that our feeling of being blessed as a spiritual community is beyond any conditions “out there”. Those blessed feelings come from within and not from without – which means: not from any of the hows or whats! What a powerful reminder!

During this Thanksgiving week, I invite all of you to affirm how blessed we are.

Each of us, no matter what’s going on, can conjure the feeling of being connected to something greater than ourselves. We can create that feeling of being alive, awake and aware. We can also give thanks to the technology we have that right now, that keeps us connected.

As we move forward, I invite you to bless the past and bless the future. Know with me, that what you bless transmutes into something more beautiful.

I’d also like to remind you that our Thanksgiving Sunday Service Celebration will come to you live next Sunday on location in beautiful Kaleden, BC. It will be fun! See you there, either on Facebook live or YouTube.

Thanksgiving blessings,

Dr. Deborah

PS: If you missed yesterday’s talk titled The Principle Always Works! with Dr. Kenn Gordon, you can watch it here on YouTube.



Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

— William Arthur Ward


Copyright © 2020 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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05 oct. 2020

Not sure why my original comment didn’t go through but I just want to say thanks for the Monday morning pick me up fro Rev. Deb every week. Also that I am sad but totally understand that Rev. Corinne Crockett is stepping back for a bit. I miss her abundance of energy and love.

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