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Happy Monday, October 24, 2022

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna

I must admit at this particular time I feel totally and absolutely immersed in a time of basking in memories and remembrance. It seems everywhere I turn lately, the universe is surrounding me with opportunities to remember. And I must say, it feels very warm and fuzzy! Also, it has reminded me again, how much there is to be grateful for!

On Saturday night, Kenn and I had the opportunity to attend our joined 50th high school reunion – I say joined, because I’m much younger than him (haha!). The people that organized the reunion decided that they’d open up the party to grads from 1971 to 1974, which included both Kenn and myself, which was great. It was so fun to revisit the faces and all the memories that came with those faces from our high school days. All I’ll say is that 50 years allows for much to change in the physical realm (think faces and hair – or is it less hair?) but what I noticed also, was that the people who were fun and rowdy back then were still the fun and rowdy ones, while the ones who were more reserved and cautious seemed to retain those same demeanours as well. While some things change, others remain somewhat the same, which is good for a sense of stability! For sure it was fun to see who we remembered and who we didn’t. I am so grateful to have been able to attend.

Our special Sunday memorial service yesterday gave much opportunity to remember loved ones who’ve passed on to another place of existence. I loved that our heartfelt and very touching memorial service then turned into a celebration of life potluck and dance party. Thank you, Annie Zed for the wonderful idea to bring our community together to honour those who’ve passed and thank you for all you did to make it a reality. Thanks, too, to everyone who sent pictures for the slide show, both of people and of pets who’d passed. How great it was to break bread together after the service and to dance, so that we could celebrate the life that’s left for each of us on this plane. It was a beautiful experience. I’m so grateful.

As you may have heard, we’re having a Retirement Legacy Gala party for Kenn and myself. I sure hope that you might be able to join us. I’d love to have you there! All the information is on our website. Anyway, I had been asked by the amazing party committee if I could create somewhat of a timeline of the life of the CSL Kelowna since we began on October 17, 1993.

Just as an aside, as I was working on the timeline, I really felt the stirrings of the beginnings of my letting go process that’ll be required of me as I retire. One thing I wanted to share – just so you’re aware, is that Kenn and I have been counselled that what is considered the best practice for long-time founding ministers when they retire, is for them to take a hiatus from the Centre so that the new leadership can be welcomed in with ease and passion! This will be hard for me, but always, always, my heart goes to my mantra – “What is highest and best for the Centre as a whole?” If that is what’s considered to best according to experience and history, then I’m in accord, although I’m pretty sure it won’t be easy. We’ll continue to live here in Kelowna, and so when it’s the right time, we’ll continue to be active members.

Anyway, I think I’m getting ahead of myself a bit – what I wanted to say is that the Gala committee is working so hard to create a memorable experience for us all and I am so grateful! In addition, what a trip I’ve taken down memory lane! What an opportunity it has been to look back and to realize that both my physical self and much of my demeanour has changed. I’ve gotten to see that I’m not who I used to be – especially having just had such a reminder of my high school self – a shy, quiet reserved person who liked to stay safe and who tried to avoid risks as much as possible. Truly this teaching and this community has changed my life for the better!

All together, what I’ve really gotten to be reminded of through the reunion, the memorial and the timeline, is how much my life has been blessed by such a wide variety of people, all unique! I’ve also been reminded of the privilege it has been to be part of and to have witnessed the development of a community of people, all who’ve left a stamp of love on my heart.

In gratitude,

Dr. Deb


If you missed yesterday’s service, titled Water to Vapour: Our Immortal Nature, you can watch the replay on Facebook, or later this week on the CSLK YouTube channel.



When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.

Viktor E. Frankl


Copyright © 2022 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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