What a wonderful service we had yesterday! I left our service with a wonderful feeling of deep Divine contentment.
Now, I pretty much always feel happy and satisfied after our Sunday Services, I love the experience of our Sundays. I love that we have a variety of speakers, each offering their own flavour for their presentation and their topics. I love that each Sunday brings us together in community. I love that there’s time for learning, loving and connecting. I love when there’s someone who comes to service who I haven’t seen for a long time. I love when I get to see the same people week after week. I love when someone confides to me that they felt the need for love and support, so they came to the Centre.
These things happen every week, so, there’s not anything in particular I can really point to that was different yesterday that led to my feeling so satisfied. Maybe it was because our auditorium at Studio 9 felt beautifully full; maybe it was because Neal Klassen did a fantastic job of carrying the music while our Rev. Barb Samuel was with her daughter who was having a baby; maybe it was because our guest speaker, Dane Stevens, managed to teach us the basics about metaphysics, as well as to have an experience of it, all within 45 minutes; or maybe it was just because…
I wonder what it is in me that feels I need some kind of outside reason to feel contented and happy. One of Kenn’s favourite song lines is from the Indigo Girls, and it’s: “the less I seek my source for some definitive the closer I am to fine.” So just for the rest of today (and maybe tomorrow, too) I’m just going to bask in, and appreciate the feeling of, contentment I’m feeling right now, knowing that there doesn’t necessarily have to be a reason, it just is… and say thank you.
Do you ever wonder about stuff like that? Do you have questions about life, about love, about the Science of Mind and Spirit? Well, you’re going to have a chance to ask them next Sunday. Dr. Kenn and I (by special request!) will hold one of our “Q&A” Sundays where you can ask us anything you want about any of those topics or anything else that might be on your mind. Now, for sure, it’s not that we have all the answers (goodness knows there are some things I’d love to have the answers to right now), but we’ll be happy to offer you our perspectives and our take on the Science of Mind’s teaching and point of view.
But you’ll have to do your part – we’d love to have you send us some questions in advance – my personal email is revgord@shaw.ca. I’ll be anticipating your questions, I’ll print them out, we’ll draw them out of a basket, and do our best to answer them next week.
In the meantime, I know there are still some of you who are planning on attending the Gala who just haven’t got around to buying your ticket yet. Well, we have managed to extend the deadline by a few days. Get your tickets by midnight (PT) Thursday, November 17. Kenn and I would so love to see you there. Please read the information on the Legacy Gala page.
We have the most wonderful member on the Gala committee who’s done such a great job on our invitation along with all the other pieces of information on E-vite. Her name is Julia Mattis and she’s been working remotely with us from Columbia, Maryland, and I just want to give her a big shout out of gratitude - her contributions in so many ways have been amazing and are so appreciated! She’ll be with us Gala weekend, and I just felt the need to give her a great big shout out of gratitude now!
Blessings for this week,
Dr. Deborah
If you missed yesterday’s service, titled A New World. A New Way: The Return to Our Nature, you can watch the replay and other past services on the CSLK YouTube channel.
“There are four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.”
— Lord Byron
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