As I begin my writing, my practice of looking out my office window shows me more of that beautiful greening of spring that I wrote about last week – all I have to say is YAY!
The warming weather also brings to mind that I think we’ll be able to look forward to a couple of outdoor services later this summer. The opportunity for us to be together brings me much joy! YAY again!
Speaking of those things (spring and outdoors), it’s the perfect opportunity for me to give a shout out of gratitude to Val Hardy for being our master gardener at our office/classroom building, the Pandosy Peace Centre, for the past four years. She’s lovingly releasing our gardens to their next ‘green thumb’ person. Might this be you? It would be great to have a team effort. As we know, many hands make light work! Let me know if you might be interested in either leading or being on the team (email: or Facebook messenger). Thank you!
In my last Happy Monday, I said thank you and goodbye to a couple of our Board members. Today, I’m delighted to welcome our new members: Margaret Timuss and Ann Lotwin. Margaret has been with our community pretty much since its inception almost 28 years ago. She previously served as President on one of our first Boards in the early 1990s. My heart is so warmed with the thought that she has come back to serve again.
Our Board now consists of Amanda Pope as President; Margaret Timuss as Secretary; Derek Hinchliffe as Treasurer; and Rev. Melody Bailey, Annie Zalezsak, Fred Blunden and Ann Lotwin as members at large. We had our first Board meeting yesterday and our community is in very good hands to lead us into our future.
Speaking of that future, if anyone is interested in coming together to explore the possibilities, I’d love to know, as we’re in the process of forming a Reinvention Team.
Next Sunday is our Easter Sunday service. I’m very excited, as we have some very special guests joining us from all over! We’ll be having some new features at our service that I think will offer a wonderful message of hope and transformation for all of us.
Happy Easter,
Dr. Deb
If you missed yesterday’s Soul Food Sunday titled The Difference Between the Difference, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.
Practitioner of the Week is Pauline Weninger, RScP. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact the practitioner directly via email at
“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”
— Janine di Giovanni
Copyright © 2021 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.