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Happy Monday, June 7, 2021

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna

First of all, thanks so much for all the positive comments and feedback on my Sunday message yesterday on Toxic Positivity! I had so many people share with me how my basic idea of the difference between surface positivity and the true healing that our Science of Mind teaching offers has been something they’ve always wondered about. It does my heart good to think that something I’ve shared has helped! Thank you for the thank yous. It’s really lovely to feel that my talk was well received and in turn you’ve taken the time to share back.

This is my first blog in June, which is International Pride Month. Even though certain cities, including Kelowna, celebrate Pride in August, International Pride Month is held in June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, acts of civil disobedience initiated by members of an unfairly treated and oppressed community. It’s a time to honour lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, Two-Spirit, intersex and asexual members of our communities.

Centers for Spiritual Living, including our CSL Kelowna, stands in solidarity with members of marginalized communities. We do so, in alignment with our Global Vision as stated in the official Organizational Design Model of the Centers for Spiritual Living organization.

I want to share a portion of that Vision here with you.

Spiritual Living: As we learn and practice our philosophy, the Science of Mind, we live principle-centred, Spirit-led lives and turn to our principles for guidance in all moments and all areas of our lives. We express Spiritual Living as:

  • Diversity and Inclusivity: We value, embrace and celebrate the individual uniqueness and contribution of all people as they express through differences of gender, ethnicity, culture, history, experience, talents and sexual orientation. We include representatives from all our organizational constituencies in leadership, sacred service and decision making.

  • Education: We walk a path of awakening, growth, and spiritual deepening through classes, workshops, seminars, and spiritual practices that allow us to embrace education as a lifelong endeavour.

  • Transformation and Evolution: We do deep inner personal work of self-discovery and healing to reveal the greater truth of our Divinity, wholeness, and freedom.

  • Creativity: We allow the ongoing activity of Spirit into our hearts, minds and activities to bring forth new forms and expressions to inspire and guide.

  • Continuous Improvement: We consistently welcome more and more of the Divine Nature to be realized within us and revealed through our relationships, our decisions and our contributions to the world.

I am proud of who we are and what we stand for.

Happy Monday, Happy Pride, Dr. Deborah


If you missed yesterday’s Sunday Celebration with Dr. Deborah Gordon, titled Toxic Positivity, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.


Practitioner of the Week is Rev. Melody Bailey. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact this practitioner directly via email at



We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference, and live our lives in a state of inclusion and wonder at the diversity of humanity.

George Takei


Copyright © 2021 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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