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Happy Monday, June 23, 2020

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna

This week's message from Dr. Deborah

I’m so happy that the “rain has gone” and it’s a sunny beautiful day. Isn’t it quite something how we’re affected by the weather outside of us?

I’m also reminded that no matter what may seem to be covering that old sun, it’s always, always there.

In these times – I feel the need to ask myself and I invite you to join me in contemplating - what is the underlying good (that is always there, only sometimes occluded) that is coming out of this moment in time?

I know there’s much to reveal and heal and I’m very aware of the importance of not denying or avoiding, but I also know and want to encourage all of us to lean ever more into love, peace, generosity and light and keep before us that highest of ideals, that everything is working together for a greater good for ALL.

With that, I’d like to share this prayer from Rev. Cynthia James:

“I give thanks that this prayer is being seeded in the universe as… WE LIFT ALL PEOPLE - every man, woman and child. We lift up our black brothers and sisters. We lift all women. We lift all LGBTQ brothers and sisters. We lift all Native American and Indigenous brothers and sisters. We lift all Caucasian brothers and sisters. We lift all Asian brothers and sisters. We lift all Latino brothers and sisters. We claim and proclaim leaving a legacy of joy, expansion, freedom, power, generosity, wholeness and oneness for all. From this place of gratitude, I gently and lovingly release this prayer. And so it is.”

Our Mid-week Faith Lift spiritual practice and connection time is hosting their final service for the season on June 24 at 7 p.m. This time together will be facilitated by the Compassion Care team: Rev. Corinne Crockett, Rev. Diane Hockey, Rev. Melody Bailey, and Pauline Weninger RScP and it will be a group effort titled: Infinite Possibility. Everyone is invited to come to this community time on Zoom. The meeting number is 658 174 169, the password is 170879.

And just for your calendars, our tentative plan is to use this same time slot, Wednesdays at 7 p.m. for our Community Conversations on Anti-Racism. These are pencilled in to start July 8th. Stay tuned for confirmation of day and time. These will also be hosted on the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Amanda Pope RScP spoke about this Community Conversation in her talk "Black Lives Do Matter, So What is Mine To Do?" You can view that talk by clicking here.

Peace and blessings, all-ways,

Dr. Deb



“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”

— Ann Landers


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