New Minister Selection Committee
I'm delighted to share that our New Minister Selection Committee has been created and we're excited to get to work! This vital committee is responsible for pulling together all of the parts and pieces of our recruitment package.
Representing the Board of Trustees:
Rev. Jeanette Vinek
Blair Wilson
Representing the practitioners of the Centre:
Irene Kowalchuk
Pauline Weninger
Representing the members of the Centre
Fred Blunden
Tracey Anderson
Representing leaders from the Centre:
Rev. Barbara Samuel (Artistic and Music Director)
Angela Bearman (active volunteer - greeter and offertory counter)
The committee works closely with Centers for Spiritual Living, who guides, supports and advises them along the way.
It has been my honour to have had many beautiful conversations with members in our community, about the committee and ways they can be involved in our transition plans. What I have learned is that our community is excited, they are engaged, and they are READY for whatever is next. Yay!!!
There are a multitude of opportunities to ensure your voice is heard, and you play a part in calling in our new Senior Minister. Mark these in your calendar right now.
August 6, after service, we are leading a Community Visioning session. Everyone is welcome. We'll provide lunch. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect.
September 17, after service, we are leading the community in a Fear to Faith Process. Again, everyone is welcome and we'll provide lunch. Please RSVP.
September 28 from 6pm to 9pm, Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn is facilitating a Community Co-Creation process. This is deep, sacred, spiritual work, that leads us into our Sacred Covenant with our New Minister. Everyone is welcome, and encouraged to attend.
I'm going to keep reminding you until it sinks in! We want you… we need you… and we are grateful for you!
Peace and blessings,
Rev. Jeanette Vinek
President, CSL Kelowna Board of Trustees
Copyright © 2023 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna.