With the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna in the midst of ongoing changes, we’re giving Dr. Deborah Gordon a blog-break so she can focus on matters that only a senior minister can tend to. Meanwhile, I thought I’d take this opportunity (as a guest blogger) to share some learnings from our current Foundations of the Science of Mind course.
Week 6 was about Abundance, one of my favourite topics in this teaching. We were very lucky to have Dr. Kenn Gordon join us in the class, and he shared with us some great wisdom coming from his personal, first-hand experiences.
If you’ve ever heard Dr. Kenn speak about his past as a California farmer (how he and Dr. Deborah discovered the Science of Mind teaching, their decision to start a Centre in Kelowna, and throughout all that, what their experience with financial prosperity was like), you’ll know that they had just about every money-related challenge any one of us may have experienced in our lives. It seems that Dr. Kenn, too, had a learning curve with this concept of boundless resources flowing into bank accounts, directly from God (aka the Universe, Higher Power, or insert your preferred name for Divine Source).
But after all these years, he has a formula for pinpointing where the flow of prosperity is perceived as being pinched off. He would ask you these questions:
What do you want?
Why don’t you have it? What’s blocking it?
What should we treat for?
Dr. Kenn says that the reason we block the flow of good is because we have a belief system that finds justification for not having those things. We’ll say things like: “I can’t do that because my health is…” “I can’t have that because my finances are…” “I can’t be that because my relationships won't…” We must give up our excuses and justifications that we are not the right age, don’t have enough money or there isn’t anybody to support us.
Dr. Kenn reminds us that the only thing in our power to do is to change our beliefs. He says: “The framework you’ve constructed through the experiences of your life is not the framework you need to have.”
How refreshing! We can change our minds, and thereby change our experiences with abundance and prosperity, too!
Dr. Kenn explains that “You don’t get what you want, you get who you are.” He started doing things with a focus on becoming rather than acquiring.
This made a lot of sense to me. To illustrate it very simply, if I want to have a car, I have to be willing to be a driver. If I want to explore Hawaii, I have to be willing to become someone who travels. If I want to own a successful business, I have to be willing to be someone who takes action and implements ideas.
“In your mind, you need a bigger idea,” says Dr. Kenn, adding that receiving prosperity means continually growing and expanding who you are. This turns actions into demonstrations that “out-picture in every aspect of your life: finance, health and loving relationships”.
Michael Beckwith also confirms that “… we cannot have anything we are not willing to become”.
We already are abundance. We already are prosperity. For its manifestation to appear in our three-dimensional world, our human-being-self must be willing to become the vessel through which it can flow unimpinged. This means opening to and expanding upon our quality of likeness for that which we want to welcome into our lives. Feel abundant; take actions that affirm prosperity. Look for the signs and evidence of it. Watch prosperity show up, and continue to grow it. Constantly nurture it. Love it, bless it, take it to the next level. Repeat.
Dr. Kenn reminds us that the Universe has more than enough abundance. “When we continually grow and expand our giving, it circulates back. Yes, this means finances. Give money, get money. Give time, get time."
With the help of Dr. Kenn, this class gave me a lot of clarity about how the Law works regarding abundance and prosperity. I hope this gives you, too, a deeper insight around ways to generate abundance and prosperity in your life — if that is what you choose to experience!
Abundant blessings,
PS: I am so grateful to be a part of the CSL Kelowna community since 2012! I have learned and grown so much through this teaching. If you resonate with our philosophy, we’d love for you to join us in Membership for 2022! Learn more at: https://www.cslkelowna.org/membership .
If you missed yesterday’s Soul Food Sunday talk titled The True meaning of Life, you can watch it (and other past services) on the CSLK YouTube channel.
“God gives some more than others because some accept more than others.”
— Ernest Holmes
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