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Happy Monday, December 28, 2020

Updated: Dec 30, 2020

This week’s message from Dr. Deborah

Did you miss our Sunday Service yesterday? I sure did! It was fun to scroll through some other Centres’ livestreams, but as Rev. Barb says: “I love us best!”

This is my last Happy Monday blog post of 2020, and for sure I want to wish all of you a wonderful release from a year that had challenges, but at the same time, much opportunity to see ourselves and our world in new ways.

I love this liminal time in between Christmas and New Year’s when for some, it’s hard to even distinguish what day it is, never mind the date! For sure, it seems leading up to December 25th there’s a lot of time and energy spent towards all that “needs” doing, and then one day later – poof, it’s over and at least for me, there’s a “kind of hush” that comes over the world, which I love.

Foremost on my mind, however, is gratitude for your continued support in all ways. As I reflect on the end of the year, also special thanksgiving from my heart to the Sunday Six who’ve all given so much of themselves to ensure that our services are consistent, uplifting and continuing to Awaken Humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence. This team has shown such support for our community. Their dedication and commitment have been a spiritual salve to me and our Centre. I have no words… Thank you!

Because we’re immersed in a teaching that asks us to be alert, awake and aware, as our year ends, I encourage us to review this past year, even with all its eccentricities, in the areas of health, love, creative expression and all that comes with those, and simply notice our thoughts and feelings around them.

As we move forward, ask the questions:

What did I really learn?

What do I need to pay more to attention to?

What can I give my thoughts and energy to as time moves forward?

I encourage you to think about these questions this week, and to come prepared for our Sunday Celebration on January 3rd, where we’ll be setting our intentions together for 2021, immediately followed by a community check-in. We’re going to try it via our CSLK Facebook group, so if you're not already a member of the group, please make sure you join in advance at this link.

Our Sunday Meditation also returns on January 3rd and will be available on the first and third Sundays of each month.

As we go into the New Year, my intention for each of us is to experience more joy, and a willingness to be open to a powerful new year, full of peace, wisdom and love.

Remember to check out the World Healing Peace Meditation on Zoom at 4 am Pacific Time on December 31st, 2020. It’s being hosted by Centres for Spiritual Living and their Heart of Peace Committee.

I am so grateful to know my life is surrounded by people like you!

Peaceful blessings,

Dr. Deborah


PS: There was no service yesterday, but if you would like to replay our Holiday Service with the Sunday Six titled The Presence in the Present is Present, you can watch it on our YouTube channel.


Practitioner of the Week is Rev. Melody Bailey. If you are looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact her directly via email at



“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.”

— T.S. Eliot


Copyright © 2020 Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

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