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Grief to Transformation

Writer's picture: CSL KelownaCSL Kelowna


Grief to Transformation

Dr. Deborah Gordon


We can sit in the shade or move into the sunshine.

— from the CSL Global Theme


As we come toward the end of a most unusual year, join Dr. Deborah Gordon in exploring the gifts that can come through recognizing and honouring any grief experienced due to the loss of what we thought our lives would be over this past year of 2020.

As we look at what has been put aside during the pandemic, discover how to work with our own personal feelings of loss, and use them as a power for good to enrich our lives.

Join us on Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 10:30am on Facebook Live.


After this Sunday's Service, join us for:

Let's Talk After the Talk!

The Sunday Six are super excited to get together with ALL of you after our service for an interactive conversation on Zoom this coming Sunday, December 6th. Following Dr. Deborah Gordon's message on Facebook Live, we’ll immediately go onto Zoom for Let’s Talk After the Talk! We’ll talk about the Sunday message, or anything else that might be on our minds.

Join us at 11:15 am Pacific Time at:

Meeting ID: 250 868 7387 (no passcode required).


This Week’s Point of View from the Science of Mind

Humans aren't perfect in daily life. The ego limits thoughts and produces errant judgements. The Shadow is the negative side of the personality; the sum of all unpleasant properties (traits) that a person wants to hide; the inferior, worthless/unworthy and primitive side of human nature; one’s own “dark side”.

Every person has a shadow. Everything that is material casts a shadow. It is, in particular, the shadow that makes us human. The less the shadow is incorporated in the conscious human life, the darker and denser it gets.

Recognizing the shadow, we can shift the negative perception, look beyond appearance, seek alignment with (and remembering of) the spiritual truth of who we really are.

Science of Mind teaches to look beyond conditions and align consciousness with the divine pattern of wholeness. We are created in the “likeness of God” — a perfect God, a perfect man/woman, a perfect being. God is the light that dissolves darkness.

Cultivate recognition of your divinity and unrestricted self-love!


Holiday Service on December 20, 2020

We’re excited to have our Holiday Service at our regular time, 10:30 am on Facebook live on December 20th. We’ll be sharing two of our long time festive holiday traditions: “Gift Box Sunday” and Rev. Barbara Samuel’s stirring rendition of “O Holy Night”.

This year, we are asking you to come prepared (if you choose) having made a Christmas Card mini-box in advance and ready to fill it up along with the Sunday Six and our community on Facebook Live. Here's a how-to tutorial on YouTube ( All you need is a recycled card, scissors and some tape.


Grief Support Group

The last in the series of Grief Support Group meetings will be this Wednesday, December 9, 2020 from 7pm to 8:30pm on Zoom.

Our group offers support to anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one, separation from a life partner, or loss of connection to friends and family. We offer a safe and respectful space to share, listen, and receive compassionate support and prayer from others. It's free to attend and donations are appreciated.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 853 6017 5538

Passcode: Wednesday


The Drop In: Coffee and Connection

This coming Thursday, December 10, 2020, from 10am to 11am PST is our third coffee and conversation gathering: The Drop In: Coffee and Connection with Dr. Deborah Gordon, Rev. Barbara Samuel and Rev. Gwen Smith. We’ll meet every two weeks. We start with a prayer, a check-in, and then chat about whatever comes up from the group that is present.

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 848 2252 9807

Passcode: connection


CSL’s Holiday Cozy Couch Concert

Amy Bishop

Three talented CSL musicians perform LIVE on Sunday, December 13, 2020. Each musician will share a 55-minute performance from their home to yours, via Facebook Live!


Amy Bishop at 4pm PST (5pm MST)

Gary Lynn Floyd at 5pm PST (6pm MST)

Eddie Watkins Jr at 6pm PST (7pm MST)


Practitioner of the Week

We now have a designated Practitioner of the Week. If anyone is looking for one-to-one prayer treatment support for ANYTHING, you can contact our designated Practitioner of the Week directly via email with your prayer request. Each week (from Sunday to Saturday), one of our practitioners has been assigned to be the direct contact. This week is Rev. Barbara Samuel at Thank you so much, practitioners, for this valuable service!


CSLK Board Secretary

We are seeking someone to fill the Secretary role on the CSLK Board of Trustees this spring. If you're organized, detail-oriented and know your way around a computer, we'd love to hear from you! Board members serve for 3-year terms, have opportunities to develop, give input, and vote on CSLK matters. As Secretary, you will take meeting minutes; gather, share and file trustee's reports; and compile the agenda before a meeting.

To learn more, please contact Board President Amanda Pope at or Dr. Deborah Gordon at


Sunday Meditation

We have a great team that provides a time of calm and meditation each Sunday morning. We begin at 9:45am sharp and finish by 10:05am to allow time for a break before our Sunday celebration. Join us on Zoom at: Password: meditation


Sunday Celebration

Every Sunday at 10:30am, please join us on Facebook Live! Visit our page at and scroll down until you see the video. (The replay can be watched later on YouTube.)



Due to changes in COVID-19 guidance, our children's VIBE program is on hiatus. Stay tuned for updates in January. If you'd like more information as we go forward, please contact our children's programming director, Joanne Marie, at


Free SOM Magazine

If you’re in the Kelowna area, you’re invited to drop by the Pandosy Peace Centre to pick up a free issue of the current SOM magazine… our gift.


Like Our Blogs?

We publish two blog posts each week on our website ( under the Blog section. If you’re on our contact list (also known as our subscription list), you’ll get an email on Monday and an email on Friday which contains a link to the most recent blog post. (If it's not in your inbox, please check your junk folder.) You can also read current or past issues anytime in the website’s Blog section.

If you like our blogs, please scroll down this page where you'll see a tiny heart near the bottom right. Click on it to let us know you like this issue!


Thank You for Your Support!

We’re so grateful we can accept ONLINE donations in several ways:

  1. On our website via PayPal or credit card.

  2. Through Interac money transfers sent to

  3. By signing up for CAFT automatic transfers directly from the bank.

  4. Cheques can be mailed to: Suite 131, 101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1.

For more info, please contact our treasurer Derek Hinchliffe.



“Whenever we block the light guiding our life, we create a shadow. Only when we are transparent and in alignment with the source of light, as when the sun is directly overhead, does the shadow magically disappear.”

— Jacob Liberman


Copyright © 2020, Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna. All rights reserved.

Vol. 29. Issue 49 | Editor: Annie Zalezsak

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